I think every warframe can be a support, is just up to our choise of mod in the battlefield and how we play for example, Banshee sonar for long range support with buff damage, Nyx chaos for confuse all enemies and absorb to lure the enemies at her, Hydroid can block the enemies way with his tentacles, Loki radial disarm useful for high wave range enemies, Necros desecrate of course for … but here i could put EVERY frame, maybe the only exception would be Ash, cause i don't see any supportive ways do use him. For buffing allies, Trinity provides health and energy over time, Oberon heals allies, Rhino increases damage dealt, Valkyr increases attack speed,Mag restores shield, Frost provides an AoE shield and Volt increases movement speed.

but here i could put EVERY frame, maybe the only exception would be Ash, cause i don't see any supportive ways do use him. Loki can also revive down mates with out taking damage while invisible...Nova will drop like a fly trying to revive someone while taking damage from a level 100 Napalm. Si ils diffèrent, alors la vérification remplacera ou ajoutera des données aux fichiers. Valkry with Hysteria or Mirage with Eclipse. Mécaniques Principales du Jeu. With this exception EVERY frame is good support when well used. Breakflip. Support Technique. Les Armes sont utilisées par les Warframes, Archwings, Sentinelles et les ennemis pour infliger des dégâts. second, zephyr can be a tank, or defensive support, filling a role inbetween frost, vauban and loki. Only she can restore ur energy(2nd skill), bring u and ur sentinel to max hp and shield(ult[mag can do it only for shields, but they recharge, health do not]) and u don't have to pick her up so often(3rd skill).

Thats what i think about warframe role, they can be offensive or support, is up to the situation and what we need in the battlefield English (US) Deutsch Español Français Italiano 日本語 한국어 Polski Português do Brasil Русский ไทย Türkçe 简体中文 繁體中文 Submit a request Sign in. La plupart du temps vous ne vous rendrez pas compte de leur présence, car beaucoup de programmes se lancent en partie ici et là durant le processus de lancement de Windows, chargeant tranquillement des choses dont vous n'avez pas besoin en arrière-plan. Another nonsense thread from flyingreaper77. Les armes peuvent monter en niveau (rang) pour obtenir une plus grande capacité de mod. Also some viable situational such as Frost, LokiMasterRace, etc. I find that to be a great support skill, and with manty uses. Guide pour résoudre les problèmes de base des réseaux; Quelles informations dois-je donner lorsque je soumets une demande? Answers to common payment and billing questions.

Informations au sujet de modifications, de la protection, etc. It protects those inside from damage, while those inside can deal damage to those outside. I think every warframe can be a support, is just up to our choise of mod in the battlefield and how we play for example, Banshee sonar for long range support with buff damage, Nyx chaos for confuse all enemies and absorb to lure the enemies at her, Hydroid can block the enemies way with his tentacles, Loki radial disarm useful for high wave range enemies, Necros desecrate of course for farming faster and can terrefy if getting too ugly, Excalibur radial blind stun enemies in area, Rhino stomp for stun and roar for buff damage to a team, Nova mol prime for give greatly extra damage and can slow them down, Zephyr can be tank and can be crowd control by her tornado, Volt with his new big shield for cover teamates and give buff damage to amprex, synapse, Vauban bastille to hold enemies and vortex to suck all enemies into one place, Ember can buff fire damage and damage per second, Mag stun enemies and can restore shield or burn enemies shield or bullet atractor for heavy gunner, Frost useful for defense, Saryn miasma can debuff enemies armor(corrosive), Trinity heal and restore energy for high wave, Oberon can heal and can  do a damage, Valkyr can be a great tank, Ash for stealthy only all his skill are offensive. Que faire si mon jeu ne cesse de planter? Mirage with Prism. I feel That some frames like Vauban, Nyx, and Trinity  are always good support, but Loki and Zephyr are AMAZING support when you can speak with your team. This is great for redirecting fire from your team mates and objectives as well. Hallo WO finde ich den Link vom Support würde im Handel von einem Spieler ab gezockt ...???? SE CONNECTER. Menu. Mirage with Prism. I see you overlooked excalibur, the god of hard crowd control, or nyx, with a spammable knockdown (that can absorb your own explosive weapons for instant 5-digit bombs), and ability to make mobs attack the nearest target randomly. Création de compte. Why is everyone forgetting Linbo CC? and speed/slow nova builds. Learn more about the base systems of Warframe. Vous lâchez prise ?