Never submarines, they said. Was that a requirement? To learn more about cookies and edit your settings, check our Yes, account is linked, yes I watched over 90 minutes each day.
Tags: News WoWs.
Didnt think so. Stayed on the stream for both days got both containers.
It's a packed episode - but now it has TIMESTAMPS!!!!
switch it on while you have dinner/taking a bath?
Previous Post: World of Tanks EU – new top of the tree. Nope it wasnt I got both crates, each after an hour or so into the cast on corresponding days and I have bone stock Twich account linked to WG account and have WOWS channel on follow Boggzy and Synpax get briefed on SL and KOTS updates from Quadrilus, get schooled in How-To-Yoshino by bwray, and top it off by learning about the growing empire of CC Wookie_Legend's multi-server clans and stream.
I prefer to play the game rather than watch others play.
Anyone else missing the container drops from watching stream from KOTS over the two days? I left Twitch playing in the background at 160p, muted and when I came back, after few hours... the 8th KoTS container was waiting for me in port. I'm pretty sure I got the 7th KoTS container after watching for a bit over an hour, not really 90 minutes. You need to play a total of 50 battles to post in this section. Comments are closed. Yes, account is linked, yes I watched over 90 minutes each day. So, I checked and your profile is indeed linked to Twitch, but we couldn't find any twitch drop role in the logs for your account, are you sure you watched videos/stream where the Twitch Drops were enabled? Submitted a ticket, and mentioned i had to pay for premium twitch also. Post navigation. Anyone else missing the container drops from watching stream from KOTS over the two days? I prefer to play the game rather than watch others play. Which is good for me but questionable how the 90-minute system works. They could make the stream much shorter and more informative. Was that a requirement? Didnt think so. Hey thanks for getting back. Didnt think so. Was that a requirement? Was that a requirement?
I did watch the offical wargaming channel both days, but for some reason it did not register, however i did ask Crysantos in chat both days about the drops, and maybe that got logged somewhere, cause WG came back and confirmed I watched, and then recieved the containers. Stayed on the stream for both days got both containers.
Yes, account is linked, yes I watched over 90 minutes each day. But at it's current state and form, I ignore them completely. World Of Warships (PC) - By MALAYSIA WoWs Server( Discord )World Of Warships (PC) - By Comité d'organisation WoWs LeagueWorld Of Warships (PC) - By [BOTS] Sister_Twister_, [NOCAP] Fasey, [LEEUW] GarrusBrutusWorld Of Warships (PC) - By nishino87, RichardWorley, Chip0_ITWorld Of Warships (PC) - By MALAYSIA WoWs Server( Discord )World Of Warships (PC) - By Psc0905, Norga666 and AlexandoWorld Of Warships (PC) - By Comité d'organisation WoWs LeagueAnswers to all of your questions about the platform and its features.Come and meet the Toornament Staff and community organizers!Follow the latest news and communications from Toornament! World Of Warships is supported by Toornament. Watch Queue Queue. Yes, account is linked, yes I watched over 90 minutes each day. Anyone else missing the container drops from watching stream from KOTS over the two days? So, I checked and your profile is indeed linked to Twitch, but we couldn't find any twitch drop role in the logs for your account, are you sure you watched videos/stream where the Twitch Drops were enabled? I'm sure everyone would appreciate it. What's the point? My inability to win anything in any event but the minimum stuff is frustrating I prefer to play the game rather than watch others play. It was finally resolved via ticket. Streamers & Youtubers. XanderPTV.
Only requirement was 90 mins of watching as far as I know.
What have we done to deserve this, Wargaming? Comments Off on World of Warships – news from KOTS stream.