and "KInds of things"Looking for a song where a guy is singing about waiting on a western union payment from his girlfriend. First time hear this song 2000 and I think is old song but sound like this ; So cry,you and me....or sound like this : am I you and me ...I’m looking for a song where the music video is cartoon aliens at a party and there is this guy who meets a girl he really likes who is standing all alone and they end up really liking each other because he makes her feel like she doesn’t have to be used and abused but then her boyfriend comes back over and she goes with him!!

Country song, female artist, kind of new.

Afroswing or hiphop... 2019-2020 I thinkHi! I think it’s sung by a black guy and it is quite an old song.

I heard it in a video from a youtube channel called deadbug says.

I'm pretty sure it's quite a new song, very light and gentle, a perfect soundtrack for the teens' love story. past year or two.

The only lyrics i know is “the sky is a bit for my place and I don’t know anymore oh uh oh o oh” something like that but if you know then you just made my whole day.ive been looking for a song that sounds like “but only you go ni nananananana e oo e” that’s all i heard and i would really appreciate it if someone found it for me thanks youuuive been looking for a song that sounds like “but only you go ni nananananana e oo e” that’s all i heard and i would really appreciate it if someone found it for me thanks youuui think it says “only you fall” now but slowly then some high pitch ni nananananana e oo e are fast i don’t really know how to explain it but thanks for the helpdoes anyone know a (assuming modern) pop love song with a guy singing with the first lyrics being: “gotta keep my head up take one day at a time” and the chorus being like “you got (diamond hair?) it sounds super cool and i wanna write a music video on it, help? I have been looking for a song online since I first heard it back in 1998. It's quite popular at the momentI'm looking for a song which was in late 90s or early 2000 as.. eh oh hold rings then in my dreams...Can anybody tell me the name of the song in this video I’ve looking for 12 hours now I'm looking for a song not quite sure on the lyrics but it goes along to the beat ofLooking for a song that has the lyrics “baby, you can turn the rain into gold. That has changed now”.

So, any thoughts?I'm dying to find a song that is briefly played in the background of the 54th episode of Attack in Titan (Minute 13:10).i neeeeeeed to know this song but i only know a line. let me know. Pretty recent I think?So this is the song the was in the TEOTFW fan-video I saw on Instagram the other day. Can't find it anywhere but it was a 6 AM bopLooking for a older song kinda sounds like over the rainbow I'm looking for a song from the 80's with following lyrics : t(w)o hearts Delight, you're just about my everything, you're my spark in the night, you're my hapiness, my shining starLooking for a song like hip hop/RnB goes like "I don't know why it got to be like this" Nigerian guy singing or something please help.Looking for a high paced techno song that I haven't heard in a few months, only lyrics from the song I can remember are from a chick saying "a few uppers, and a little nose candy" before the bass drops again and the song goes all crazy until it repeats those words again. Thanks in advance!!

and " Its a ____ reality!!" It may even contain a sample from “bury me alive”. Maybe you like it, maybe you don't" Hey girl, hey girl You warned me to go But girl, but girl Little did I know All the things you told me About what lay in store Would only make me want you more. I'm looking for a song from the 80s (probably around 1985, not sure though) and it was about war. I am so stuck!!! male and female singers.I’m lookin for a song it’s oldies but goodies the lyrics are “ could you ever possibly love me “ I can’t sleep helpHeavy metal song. Remember a little, words "wanna be with you" and one string with pauses "I wanna... show... you... a differenent... ain't be with you". They are riding in a car, she sings about sliding across the front seat, driving out of town until theres nothing but the moonlight, feeling there heart beats line up, breathing you in. Chorus sounds like "I miss Maryann" though the name could be Carrie Ann or something else.

I just had it and I forgot :(hi im looking for a song, i dont know the name i remember just starry and the artist had 8 in the name, I know it's hard but thanks for help meI'm looking for a country song I heard on the radio, I think the lyrics where something like this "There's something going on with/in the stars/sky tonight."

!Hello I'm looking for a Nigerian song that has this part in d lyrics "no dey do me cunny cunny I ain't ur waist no dey do me skubido I ain't your waist I ain't your waist"then it now has some fast beat after that partI'm looking for this song.

the same without you there’s on one just like you. been looking for it all over the internet!Looking for a song (maybe it's one direction or Zayn Malik's), the lyrics are : hold my hand and I'll go anywhere you goHi i am trying to remember the artists' name the title of his song is "turn back time" (not sure) but the lyrics goes "Cause when you're gone i feel so all alone and when you're here with my heart feel so free" i'm not sure of it but, it isn't on yt :(( pls help, i think this song was out last 2010?

And, the singer is a woman. I might be wrong about the details but it was around 2010-2014 and sung by a man. it might be in another language, like an asian language, so i don't really know. There are only these lyrics: lost, you've been so lost to me/ and the cost it's killing me to set you free/ but I just can't stand to lose you nowI’m looking for a song that has been bugging me for ages! I need help finding a song. It's female singer, kinda slow, like new sounding song, and goes sonething like this: ”Hey baby, I'm trying to waste my/our time just to clear my mind... but baby I just let it go...”looking for a punk rock song. And then later “always messing around but has changed. Looking for it as wellHello, I'm trying to recall a slow bluegrass song about a woman going to take care of her sick mom and a man going to work the farm with his brothers, they met at the station line.