Chapter 25 - Depot: After a mysterious figure appears behind bars, a door will open allowing you to continue. On the upper story, there is a hallway with three tripwire mines (and two Demons who are easily exploited for the Demon killer achievement). Eventually, you will have to push another railcar out of the way.
achievement.During the "Bolshoi" chapter, you will go through a theater. Chapter 11 - Revolution: After encountering three enemies, continue down the stairs, but stop before entering the next guarded area. Investigate the enemy's location to find a tunnel entrance. The third one can be found when taking the stairs down the roof, in a small side room. Chapter 20 - Quarantine: After talking with some NPCs, they will lead you into a crowd. Chapter 12 - Regina: Look for a doorway that is blocked by water. #4. Both suits can be worn simultaneously. This page contains a list of cheats, codes, Easter eggs, tips, and other secrets for Metro 2033 for PC. Find a hallway with three tripwire mines and two Demons. Choose from thousands of trainers to use on our platform and even request your own games. message from "Defense". Grab the diary page before you are ambushed.19. He will be holding a hostage. Chapter 5 - Separation: After separating from your female comrade, you will need to get through an area full of enemies. If you use the Alt.Fire or Left Trigger to work the air pump, you will not accidentally discharge any ammunition until you are ready (the Tihar and Hilsing only have aim-down-sight for secondary fire).In 'Cursed', Artyom is tasked with destroying the tunnel and airlock where the nosalises (mutants) are spawning from.Position yourself so Khan and the defenders are behind you for the following directions:Destroy the left tunnel by "using" the glowing bomb hologram on the tunnel supports at the dead end.Destroy the airlock by going up the stairs and using the bomb holographic on the supports. Chapter 4 - Reich: At the beginning of the chapter, check the desk straight ahead to find a diary page.5. Look at the top of it to find a diary page.33. You will know you performed a good action when you see a brief flash of white after someone finishes a story or you save the life of a human. To get the "Scram" achievement, you cannot allow any of them to reach your railcar -- so you have to kill them very quickly. Chapter 22 - The Chase: After boarding the train car, look to the right to find a box with a diary page on it.31. Open the file user.cfg from the installation folder with a normal text editor. The communications apparatus is on the corner of this rooftop.Decline the kid's offer to lead you at Riga Station to earn this secret task.While there are obvious moral choices in the game (where both decisions are obvious), there are more subtle moral choices that will determine which ending (just two) you get at the end.When choosing an action, the game world will temporarily flicker with a rust-ochre color (and you will hear faint murmuring) if you made a moral choice (good or bad).In the Library, the two rangers accompanying you will read through the titles of several books, including one called The book was the basis for Andrei Tarkovsky's 1979 film An action-oriented combination of horror, survival, RPG, and shooting, all based on a story by Russian author Dmitriy Glukhovskiy.Blood, Sexual Themes, Violence, Use of Drugs, Strong LanguagePreventing Accidental Ammo Discharges Hand Over Fist
The following is a list of some of the actions that cause the gain and loss of morality points. Chapter 23 - The Crossing: While on the ice, you will find a sunken boat sticking halfway out of the ice floor. Infinite ammo for reload 2. Chapter 7 - Torchlight: After leaving Pavel behind to turn on the power, you will enter a eerie nesting ground.
Chapter 24 - Bridge: Before going up the escalators, look for an office on the left to find a diary page on a desk inside.34. Chapter 11 - Revolution: After using the switch to get by the killer fans, check a desk near the switch to find a diary page.17.
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Everything will get brightly colored, and the environment will change to what it once was. There is a red switch. Jurassic Fart 1. Chapter 26 - The Dead City: After being attacked by the mutant, just as you step off the ladder onto the building roof, look by its nest to find a diary page.37. At first glance, these two modes appear to be difficulty modes. You can either walk towards him to save his life, or stand back and watch him dying. file size 1.8 MB. All rights reserved. Xbox 360 Linux Nintendo Switch PC PlayStation 4 Stadia Xbox One. Chapter 30 - D6: After destroying the tanks and jumping onto the final platform, look to the right to find the final diary page near an ammo cache.Search the indicated locations to find and play all 17 musical instruments and get the "Musician" achievement. The chapter is close to the end of the game. Epic Games This post-apocalyptic, survival-horror, real-fantasy setting, first-person-shooter may be high concept (and full of hyphens), but it looks frighteningly promising. Chapter 13 - Bandits: After rescuing a tied man and getting by the radiation-poisoned areas, look for an open bathroom with the diary page on a white suit.20. Chapter 27 - Red Square: At the beginning of the chapter, look to the left, and search the skeletons in the catacomb to find a diary page.38.
Filters 3. no overheating for "bastard" 4. no pressure decrease for some weapons 5. godmode #oh c'mon where is the fun? Metro 2033 Redux is much the same, in that it doesn’t really offer new content (in terms of new stages or story that is) but the game plays differently enough that it doesn’t matter. The second one is a woman in the shower in a house on the left, after the car accident vision. Get more out of METRO 2033 and enhance your gaming experience. Instead, turn around to find the diary page on a desk.28. Just do not attack any of the enemies, and try not to get hit -- and use med packs, if necessary.Shortly after the "Venice" chapter begins, you will have to go to a strip club. Check the alcove to the right of the stairs to find some dead bodies and a diary page among the corpses.32.