In Take Me Out To The Go-Go, Kato Hammond exposes his unrepentant, unbridled life as a guitarist, actor, dancer, playwright, through bands such as Pure Elegance, Little Benny & The Masters, and Proper Utensils, to the Godfather of Go-Go Media. Peng Xu Recommended for you. (Directions: When purchasing your 4 GoGo CDs, make sure you type in the 2 Free CDs you want in the message box when checking out). He delves deep into his volatile, profound, and enduring relationships and reveals an ultimate story of endurance, that started in the 1970s with a young Kato, a kid who despite negative statistics, took bold steps and sacrifices through lessons learned.Kato takes you through a personal look into a human story through the Go-Go music culture, the people who inspired him, the ones who enabled him, the ones who tried to control him, the ones who changed him, the one’s who gave him opportunities, and the ones who tried to take them away. "Herz, Hirn und Humor" muss er haben, ihr potenzieller Mr. 10:21. Dennis Huijs 110,111 views. While musical genres from rock n roll, to hip hop, to go-go have been vilified for their influence on youth, Take Me Out to the Go-Go demonstrates how music and entertainment can be anyone s saving grace at any stage in life. Presented by a guy who cut his teeth performing theatre and go-go music in the streets of Marion Barry’s Washington, D.C., this must-read is the roadmap of a truly entertaining human experience.Buy 4 or more GoGo CDs and get 2 for FREE (OFF NEW RELEASES ONLY)! Take me Out - Sjonnie uit Den Haag - … Take Me Out To The Go-Go is a whole story: a loner’s story, a musician’s story, an actor’s story, a writer’s story, a recovery story, a love story, a success story, a failure story, a visionary story, and a re-construction story.This story is fundamental to American culture, authentic, and antithetical to the usual narrative of how Black men come of age, mature, and make their own dreams come true. Buy 4 or more GoGo CDs and get 2 for FREE (OFF NEW RELEASES ONLY)! This special ends on July 30, 2020. In the tradition of the autobiography/memoir, TMOTTGoGo’s Kato Hammond opens up for the first time about the inside stories of his life growing up in the legendary musical genre of Go-Go — which is still going strong today.In Take Me Out To The Go-Go, Kato Hammond exposes his unrepentant, unbridled life as a guitarist, actor, dancer, playwright, through bands such as Pure Elegance, Little Benny & The Masters, and Proper Utensils, to the Godfather of Go-Go Media. Take Me Out 11 jun 2012 Dennis - Duration: 10:21. 10 ANGRIEST Contestants Who FIGHT With The Judges on Talent Shows! Inna steht auf dreimal "H" "Drei goldene H": Das wünscht sich "Take Me Out"-Kandidatin Inna in Sachen Liebe. 41:03. 执子之手 Take Me Out S01E05 CN HR HDTV AAC 1024X576 x264 YYeTs人人影视 - Duration: 41:03. The Godfather of Go-Go Media’s artful voice is relentlessly resilient, and his lens picks up the extraordinary in the everyday.