This post will show you all Moscow collectible locations in Metro Exodus. Updated March 30, 2019.

The first Diary Page can be found on a desk in an alcove to the right of the first enemy you fight in the level (not the QTE one).

Once at the row boat, take it out onto the water and dock at the first dock you encounter. At the beginning of the chapter after exiting the train, head into the room of the destroyed building right next to the train on the south side. As always, appreciate the effort you go to when producing these guides.I believe that all trophies related to somehow a person to be alive is missablePleaseeeeee guide the collectibles sooner…thanks😊😊❤Powerpyx are there any missable trophies we should pay attention to early game?Great work, with 3 games in a day (Metro, Crackdown 3 and far cry ND) and anthem coming shortly.

Turn left when facing the tank and walk all the way to the dead end to find the Dusty Notebook on a corpse. The corpse has the diary page Shopping List. Yamantau is the 5th Chapter in Metro Exodus and contains 8 Collectible Locations (6 Diary Pages, 2 Post Cards). This part of the Metro Exodus walkthrough is dedicated to the collectibles of the third chapter of the adventure, the Volga.

New Merch - . Metro Exodus features a number of collectibles for players to find along their journey. Look to the right of the entrance to find the final collectible on some crates.

If you want to find more collectibles, check out our guide to all collectibles in Metro Exodus. Free the train and then get on board. Diary Pages: 6 Post Cards: 2 Suit Upgrades: 0 All collectibles … In the next area there is a corpse in the snow with the Crumpled Letter. This collectibles guide shows all locations in each chapter for 100% game completion and all trophies or achievements. In so einer Welt kann man natürlich viel erkunden und finden, weswegen es die wenigsten überraschen wird, dass ihr einen Haufen Collectibles einsammeln könnt. Once on board you will get captured again, but you’ll be rescued sort of.

If you’ve been following our collectibles guide you will earn both the Old world pictures and Librarian Trophies/Achievements. Starting the site back in 2016, Enricofairme has poured blood, sweat and tears into making HtR a premiere spot for neckbeards and nerds alike.I will have more collectible guides for Metro Exodus up soon. Make your way from Kirill’s safe house to the row boat.

Enricofairme is the God of Hold to Reset. On a desk in this car is the Official Letter.

Walk forward and look for a desk on your right. In the first area you will be attacked by three Watchmen. In this room on the wall to the right is a desk. There are a ton of Metro Exodus map locations in it's new open world levels. Once you take out the enemy at the window, go into the car he was in and head left. Each chapter features a collectible tracker. During the fight a computer console under a large world map will be shot. On a desk is the Weathered Report. Metro Exodus is the third game in the post-apocalyptic shooter series based on the novels of Dmitry Glukhovsky. These collectibles range from Post Cards and Diaries to Suit Upgrades. Updated this at the start of the guide.Can i do the bad ending via chapter select?

Metro Exodus has 91 collectibles. At the spot indicated on the map above, you will reach a room with a bunch of consoles and servers (along with a map of the subway Miller will look at). Beside the couch on a small nightstand. 3. When you do this make your way along until you reach a room with a bunch of suspended cages. Use our The Two Colonels collectibles guide below to find them all. Get on the train and you will find the Notebook on the seat to your right. All of the collectibles above can be found in the various levels you will play in This guide is now complete. Postcard 10. The trophy pops on Diary #71. This post will show you all Moscow collectible locations in Metro Exodus. As you progress the story you will chase a kid. After going down the first set of stairs you will see a hallway and an open door. In the pause menu select … Go into the hangar further until you reach a furnace and a desk. When you and Anna are outside you will make your way down through an old apartment building. The trophy says 70 Diary Pages but there are actually 71.

The specific chapter counts are correct here and when added up, like you wrote that comes out to 71 total. Sorry, I wish they would’ve spread out the releases a little better then I’d have loved to cover it but right now there’s no free day to throw in Metro, the text guide will have to do for this one. After this, play with a guide…. The above map shows all ten of the collectibles locations. Once you reach her there will be brief cutscene of fighting with guards. Find guides to this achievement here. Making all those photos must’ve been hardThanks for the love. Go up to the board to get the diary page.The second postcard can be found in Kirill’s safe house on the column beside the sniper rifle.As soon as you leave Kirill’s safe house, head up the stairs and follow the corridor to the train. Pick up the note to get Shura’s Note. Shimmy through the door then use the fallen lockers to climb into the other room. In the pause menu select “Collectibles” and it will show you what you found and what’s missing.That’s all the chapters and Collectibles you can find in Metro Exodus.where is the roadmap? Metro Exodus – The Caspian Collectibles (Diaries, Postcards and Upgrades) Posted on February 17, 2019 January 16, 2020 by Chappie .

In this room the postcard is on a locker.

In the same apartment as Postcard 2 there is a bedroom with a couch in it.