r/PS2Cobalt: Subreddit for Cobalt EU Server Community Communications (and drama) in the Planetside 2 PC Game we hope to keep the station as a part of the community and hope you guys all enjoy it. NCST is a new outfit in the planeside 2 universe and as you may guess plays for the NC. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TydfilV, Jun 14, 2013. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. TydfilV, Jun 14, 2013 #1. For those who know Painbow has put out a radio station recently, its still actively going and probably will be around for the foreseeable future. I want to create an new TR char after getting my Vanu char at cobalt to lvl 100 but now im not sure if i should stay at cobalt or try miller. We hope to become a military style outfit and are looking for semi-dedicated players who can come on at regular intervals. We hope to become a military style outfit and are looking for semi-dedicated players who can come on at regular intervals. Isn't Miller the death zone of all sanity? the station doesnt broadcast any higher we have tried and its just how it is.submit with a 3 sec silence before and after the ad, due to the software we use and how it transitions between audio files its just like that.IF YOU WANT TO DO AN OUTFIT ADVERTISEMENT. We hope to become a military style outfit and are looking for semi-dedicated players who can come on at regular intervals. Hossin. Depends on what you uwant. Miller beat Cobalt in the server smash 2 weeks back. PlanetSide 2 > General Discussions > Topic Details. viel los und wie sieht es mit der Balancierung zwischen den Fraktionen aus? Continent Control. The server we play on is cobalt and we use GMT time zones for timing. From the videos I have seen, it was glitchy like insane. We did lots on Planetside, but what we really enjoyed doing together was running the harasser. Amerish. Mon, 24 Aug 2020 08:13:00 UTC. We would like if members have team speak and a mic as it makes coordination much easier.
Lynch. PlanetSide 2 Forums. Timezone is GMT+1 and language is English (although one may join German, French or Russian outfits, squads and random chat). Most importantly, Warrior Nation is not a ghost capping, territory grabbing outfit. We look for the best fights and often redeploy in order to help out the NC. Indar. Map History Fullscreen | Real-time. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > TydfilV.
The server we play on is cobalt and we use GMT time zones for timing. The server we play on is cobalt and we use GMT time zones for timing. We sure got good at harassing together. NCST is a new outfit in the planeside 2 universe and as you may guess plays for the NC. Most importantly, Warrior Nation is not a ghost capping, territory grabbing outfit. Esamir. NCST is a new outfit in the planeside 2 universe and as you may guess plays for the NC. do not say a discord, get creative about it though but advertise where to find the outfit browser and what you are called.With those in mind we are going to review all submissions and will see how the content goes. Its now where we would like to extend our hands to the connery community to help us improve the station to make it enjoyable for all and are requesting submissions for All advertisements need to made as if they were IN UNIVERSE (ie Republic RootBeer the republics only sanctioned soft drink, or a weapon advertisements, or of a vehicle decal) go nuts with the in universe stuff.when submitting send it in a .mp3 format as a 128k bitrate. We would like if members have team speak and a mic as it makes coordination much easier. We would like if members have team speak and a mic as it makes coordination much easier. please submit the files to Or download winamp and look for the station under online services.Subreddit for Cobalt EU Server Community Communications (and drama) in the Planetside 2 PC GameLooks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser. The site may not work properly if you don't If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit Press J to jump to the feed.
PlanetSide 2 Forums Home Forums > PlanetSide 2 Discussion > Outfit Recruiting > Cobalt (EU) We excel in using Galaxy drops to re-secure bases, MAX crashing with Aegis shields up and shotguns blazing. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries.
I want to create an new TR char after getting my Vanu char at cobalt to lvl 100 but now im not sure if i should stay at cobalt or try miller. Which server would be more suitable for new players? Welcher der beiden Server Cobalt oder Miller wäre für neue Spieler geeignet? All rights reserved. The Re4pers are a large international Planetside 2 outfit (New Conglomerate) on the server Cobalt, existing since 2013. We hope to become a military style outfit and are looking for semi-dedicated players who can come on at regular intervals. HannaDest.