But when you need topics for questions, you can find it here. Would you rather only drink coffee or never be able to drink coffee again?64. Here is a collection of the best questions that you can ask a guy or a girl or simply start a conversation with a stranger.
Would you rather be able to see ultra violet light or be able to hear frequencies that no one else can?118.
Would you rather be a king 1,000 years ago or an average person now?245. This wacky game of hypotheticals can be a good way to get to know somebody or challenge their ethics. The game works by having people choose their fate of "this, or that". Would you rather have to dress all in bright orange or all in lime green for the rest of your life?21. Would you rather cool all of your food in the microwave or never use a microwave again?97. Would you rather know who you will marry or how many kids you will have?197. Would you rather have every movie spoiled for you before you watch it or not be able to watch a new movie until it’s been out for a year?38.
Random Allgemeinwissen Nr.1 15 Fragen - Erstellt von: Der Quizzer - Entwickelt am: 17.05.2016 - 4.301 mal aufgerufen In diesem Quiz werden zufällige Fragen gestellt, die … Would you rather never be able to eat spicy food again or never be able to eat sweet food again?248.
Would you rather would you rather get free unlimited taxi/uber rides or free unlimited plane rides?243. ; Der griechische Dichter Aeschylus soll den Überlieferungen zufolge 455 v. Chr. Would you rather have dandruff that you can never get rid of or chapped lips that you can never get rid of?214. Would you rather have to wear stilettos to bed or have to wear slippers wherever you go?76. Would you rather be a brilliant scientist or a world famous painter?50. Would you rather always be able to tell when someone is lying or be able to lie without anyone knowing?115. Would you rather be able to breathe underwater or fly?28.
Find questions that can help you initiate conversation. Would you rather only be able to speak on Wednesdays or only be able to speak in Pig Latin?136. Would you rather only make money by gambling or by dealing drugs?185. Would you rather never eat cereal again or never eat pancakes again?172. Would you rather be the best at something no one cares about or be slightly above average, but nowhere near the best at something people care about?58. Would you rather have eyes that can capture everything on video or ears that can record all sounds?85. Would you rather always say what you are thinking or never say anything again?73. Would you rather look fit but be incredibly weak or look overweight and out of shape but be super strong?232.
Would you rather marry the hottest person alive or marry the smartest person alive?30. Would you rather your whole body turn blue when you are nervous or sweat profusely all over when you are nervous?88.
Would you rather walk in on your parents doing the deed or have them walk in on you doing the deed?101. Would you rather spend one night with your most hated ex or live on the streets for a week?107. Would you rather have the neck of a giraffe or the hands of a baby?188. Would you rather end world hunger but never be able to eat again or always have enough food but world hunger continues?90. Would you rather be the opposite gender for one day or be any animal for one day?163.
Would you rather make all your clothes, even if you can’t sew or pay twice as much for your clothes?121. Would you rather be the world’s best yoyo-er or receive bronze at the Olympics?151. Would you rather cut your nails too short every time you cut them or never be able to own a pet?82. Would you rather make a living in the circus or as a street performer?225. Would you rather vacation in the mountains or at the beach?24.
Would you rather have a permanent pimple on your face or an embarrassing birth mark on your butt?122. Would you rather never have to stop at a red light or never have to wait for food at a restaurant?175. Egal ob bei einer romantischen Verabredung oder bei einem gemütlichen Abend mit Freunden. Would you rather stay in a room that’s super brightly lit for an entire week or stay in a room that’s kept almost pitch black for an entire week?230. Would you rather be trapped in a small room with 10,000 tarantulas for 10 minutes, or eat 10 tarantulas in 10 minutes?13. Would you rather marry someone that you don’t love or marry someone that doesn’t love you?56.
Would you rather give up alcohol for 2 years or give up texting forever?221.
Would you rather be an extra in a really good movie or have a big part in a really bad movie?48. Would you rather live the rest of your life with silent, but uncontrollable gas or loud, uncontrollable sneezing?6. Would you rather lose all of your teeth or all of your hair?14. Would you rather only be able to text using abbreviations or emojis?135. Would you rather never lose your phone again or never lose your wallet again?223. Would you rather never be able to use a spoon or never be able to use a fork?183. Would you rather receive $5,000 every week for the rest of your life or you and your best friend receive $1,000 for the rest of your life?80. Would you rather never remember someone’s face or never remember someone’s name?55. Would you rather comically big hands or comically big feet?213. Would you rather be mistaken for your father or be mistaken for a really bad actor?128.
Would you rather read the book or watch the movie?19. Would you rather go on a cruise with everyone from work or go to the beach alone?182. The game of Would You Rather has entertained people of all ages for generations. Would you rather face your biggest fear or spend one night in a landfill?169. Would you rather be able to change one thing in your past or have a real get out of jail free card?72. The game works by having people choose their fate of “this, or that”. Would you rather lick and seal 1,000 envelopes or fold 1,000 pieces of laundry?154. Would you rather forget your significant other’s birthday every year or forget your anniversary every year?186. zu Tode gekommen sein, indem ihn eine Schildkröte, die ein Greifvogel fallen ließ, erschlug. Would you rather have to wear sweatpants for the rest of your life or never be able to wear sweatpants again?31.
Would you rather wake up in the morning as a dog or as a cat?91.