I'll be enjoying the usual dream I have every night (the one where Jens forgets his Minecraft password and has no choice but to let me take over the Java team) when suddenly my vision is replaced with a never-ending mountain of carrots. I practise sprinting around the kitchen, so I'll soon have the fastest, best service in the business! When I can just set my hands on fire for free? Reach the daily target to get high score. But he won't take it. Train Driver Simulator. After all, if there's one thing I love, it's money! We collected 281 of the best free online simulation games. Weirdly, this results in very few positive reviews.Sometimes I just don't have the ingredients to give the customers what they want (and 'give the customers what they want' is the second most important rule of customer service, right after 'try not to spit on them') because I'm still waiting for the ingredients to finish growing. A villager is standing by the counter, asking for something to eat.Based on the little carrot hovering over his head, I brilliantly deduce that he wants to eat a How do you make a carrot? RED ALERT! Read more about it in the There are no more reviews that match the filters set above© 2020 Valve Corporation. But as blurs go, it's a strangely fulfilling one. Best Games. Well, yeah. We collected 55 of the best free online restaurant games. Can Tom become a top chef in Pathway Studios map? Squeeze an orange into an ice cream cone? Farming. Read more about it in the There are no more reviews that match the filters set above© 2020 Valve Corporation. And thousands of dissatisfied ones, but let's focus on the positives.$300?! - 72% of the 169 user reviews for this game are positive. There are big risks too. I hope not – I do it all the time – but I don't want it happening to I have to step up my game. Operate Now Hospital Surgeon. HAND CUSTOMER CARROT IMMEDIATELY! Oh ho ho ho ho... delightfully devilish, me!Please grow faster! You'll need one egg, one sugar, and one pumpkin to make this tasty treat. To my stunned eyes, terrified ears and intrigued nose, the potatoes start to I hand the now-baked potato to the hungry villager, who gives me FIVE DOLLARS for it!

Want to play Open Restaurant? Even an unhealthy monster like me – a man who somehow has more gravy in his veins than blood – knows vegetables are awesome! Well, almost.227 is my new lucky number! Try to complete 10 days! That's right, Minecraft.net is the only site on the internet with the chutzpah to show you an image of grass growing - one of the most boring images known to man - and still promise high quality entertainment.

Filter reviews by the user's playtime when the review was written: Several more villagers come in wanting carrots, but obviously I'm too busy practising my sprinting to serve them, so they eventually leave too.As usual for me and my horrible life, things are going terribly. Yum yum yummy – most delicious! Sometimes when I haven't finished the recipe in time, I lie to the villager that this isn't a restaurant, it's, er... a library? Play Hotel Simulator Fishing. What's wrong with it? [5/5] - The customer’s leaving!

To solve this, I can pay to The rewards are instant - Not only do I get my ingredients faster, I also earn my first star! Search Restaurant Simulator: Head Chef in the Minecraft Marketplace if you want to try this Pathway Studios game yourself - or just click this lovely line of green text to be taken directly to it in the in-game store. Start baking real cakes instead of just dipping the stale bread into white paint. Now I'm not a fancy big-city mathematician, but according to 'BASIC MATHS FOR BASIC PEOPLE' the number Would unlocking more foods mean I could charge even more extortionate... er, I mean, extremely fair prices?

Cheapskates.Plus, if I'm not quick enough getting a villager his precious carrot, I risk losing a paying customer:The pressure is starting to get to me. Cooking.