Some of my readers get too hung up on the soundbite at the end rather than the message as a whole. That ship is staying.30 mm mid-section that is better than any other T10 CL, not enough cit plating and ship beam to arm shells within the ship. Once cash changes hands, Smolensk’s performance is locked in. They lost 3 ships, we lost all our ships.

Well, yes it does. She’s got the firepower. I type a question, and the answer is written out on my screen ten minutes later. Their low tier cruisers are ridiculously agile — some of the most agile cruisers in the game. Softer hulled ships vanish in just a few seconds, allowing even this soft-skinned ship to out-trade select opponents.And if that weren’t enough, she has decent torpedoes to stove the face in of anyone that comes sniffing near her smoke screens.Speaking of smoke screens, there are two consumables here worth noting. Is the Smolensk OP? Henri IV: 5.1º/s over 846m turning radius. Barring extraordinary circumstances, a premium cannot. Texas: 4.5º/s over 642m turning radius. Unlike Flint or Belfast it is not the best of its tier. I … Smolensk differs in that she has access to high-explosive ammunition, truly giving her a reputation as a firestarter. Still, patterns exist and I don’t think they’re coincidental.The Soviet cruiser line is one of contrasts. Imagine an Emile Bertin that could autobounce BB shells.Kurfürst isn’t weak to HE, when it has 50 mm deck almost everywhere.

I will try two builds - one for 19 km range (AFT+Range Module+IFHE+BFT+SI). Absolute slaughter. So only shots aimed directly at her waterline (or just beneath) count.At 70mm, Smolensk’s belt isn’t thick enough to fuse AP shells greater than 420mm in caliber. ), tested battleship AP fuses, did more work on torpedo damage, played with AA, did even more twirling, never mind all of that dirty, DIRTY play testing.You’ll note a lack of an Angry YouTuber jpeg at the end of this article.

Takes every hit of damage, no shatter. These imagined difficulties are:Smolensk starts with a mere 13.8km reach. The amount of prep-work for this review was insane. I think you simply misunderstood that I was suggesting was an alternate way to play the Smolensk, it's not about right or wrong. So much fun.yesterday I had some retribution with my Jean Bart, thanks for the help of a friendly moskva radar. He won't live long, I thought. It gets high numbers, annoys and frustrates, but it’s been way overhyped as some sort of supership. There was some great work done on Reddit by République, Thunderer, Ohio, Georgia, Musashi, Yamato and Kremlin are physically incapable of landing citadel hits against the flat broadside of Smolensk if the shells don’t strike water before entering the ship. The following is a quick review of HMS Thunderer -- for reals this time. She’s fast. There are more & more of them every day. Thanks to her If this analysis seems battleship-biased, you’re right. It’s the fire arch on these things. Hello and welcome once again everyone, after having played more than a 100 games in the Smolensk now Ive realised the most fun way albeit risky to play this ship is in an advanced role fighting enemy destroyers and cruisers while really having an … This thing needs nerfing big time. And on open waters it is supposed to shoot all the time and make use od DPM, not to play seek and hide. I won’t go that far but it is without any doubt a very strong ship if you know how to play.During the testing of the Smolensk, I used the following captain build and upgrades:Liked it?