i got used to range and attack angles. The most recent, Update #4, brings with it the promised gold compensation for players who braved the initial server issues. Please note, that the 96-player...The second Hotfix addresses various things such as Invasion balancing for Castello, Crossroads and Mountain Peak, as well as some other gameplay and UI tweaks.This first Hotfix of Patch 17 mainly addresses the Horde crashes and Toolbox placement checks. MORDHAU – #17 Patch Notes & HOTFIXES.

Coming with this update is a variety of content and gameplay additions – starting off, we hope you’ll enjoy our newest weapon, the Polehammer. MORDHAU Patch #18 Patch 18 is here! I look forward to the development of your game and I'm 100% buying the next game you make...are we delighted with the presence of a Messiah or do you just have a broken Crystalball?Beside that, this Forum Community gave them way more of your so called "good feedback" than i've ever seen in the discord.nah the toilet flush chat in discord is better to state your suggestions,Would it be possible to nerf the dagger and other light weapons, or increase the damage of slightly heavier weapons like the longsword.If you think nerfing small arms would be too complicated for general balancing, then you need to increase the damage of the longsword.To help personalize content, gather statistics and provide a safer experience, we use cookies. Like, at all. This ...Please enter your username or email address. x'Dhello I would like to request that you open the forums again this is a peaceful request please abide by it or consequences will never be the same3rd person camera is for chumps that are looking for a competitive advantage. April 10, 2020. Patch 18 is here!
You will receive a link to create a new password via email. Coming with this update is a variety of content and gameplay additions - starting off, we hope you'll enjoy our newest weapon, the Pole Hammer.

Need an option to switch back to the old perspective at least. Required fields are marked Coming with this update is a variety of content and gameplay additions – starting off, we hope you’ll enjoy our newest weapon, the Polehammer. Please listen to good feedback but dont get be discouraged by the hate on the forums. here is a list of games we support. In addition, we are consolidating our Invasion/Frontline/BR servers to 48 players per server, as we feel this is a better number when it comes to the gameplay experience. Mordhau is a multiplayer medieval melee game with a strong emphasis on skill-based combat. Have fun!Your email address will not be published. Reverted Catapult Nerf. This ... July 8, 2020. PatchBot will keep your Discord channel up-to-date on all the latest Mordhau changes.This Hotfix addresses a variety of bugs and issues that came forward with the latest patch.P.S: Servers might take a little while until they are back up again!Coming with this update is a variety of content and gameplay additions - starting off, we hope you'll enjoy our newest weapon, the This hotfix introduces several tweaks to game balance and also contains CPU performance improvements. The arrows are shooting way above cursor making long range shots really inconsistent.Very bad patch. MORDHAU – #16 Patch … 5.
It's a vocal minority. That's not all, however, as Viking-lovers haven't been forgotten - make sure to give the new Round Shield a go for some serious defensive capabilities.Aside from weapons, we've added quite a bit more in terms of new cosmetics to the game, improved server stability and optimization, some minor horde improvements, and of course a host of balance and gameplay improvements. Login to get started! Si y'as pas de fix dans 2 jours c'est corbeil pour mordhau (lol les shields) When drawing the bow the aim now jerks up significantly, also the arrows are shooting way above where the aim marker is. Its really needed to give people options of changing camera angle to old view. Medieval slasher Mordhau has entered its second week and developer Triternion is continuously addressing the game's rocky launch through patches.

The game is great but there's always stuff to change and improve. User account menu. Ranged weapons have a slower switch time when switching away from them. Also, 80-player Invasion/Frontline servers will be making a return for select regions as well.While there aren't a ton of major changes this update, there are quite a few minor improvements that we believe you'll enjoy!