Thanks a lot, very kind of you. Maybe this one has been banned..? Followers 1. There has been no changes in banned mods for over a year now, keep that in mind. Use different mod i.e. Has WOT already banned that too? Update 1.10 looks like it will be a whopper, and it will probably take Aslain longer than usual to fix things. I couldn't find the option that allow to repair tracks, engine or extinguish the fire with the T key. Info: all the people who are still crashing after exiting from battle - try to play in 32bit mode (via launcher), if no help remove PMOD, if you still crash remove XVM.- added King Julien (Madagascar) (Polish lang) crew voices to DLC- fixed an issue where the installer would become unusable if moved before the components page- fixed downloading & installing of lgfrbcsgo's Improved Lighting Mod v1.3- fixed config not loading when trying to install hp bars on players panel with default icons selected- new feature added: the auto-installing custom mods (to make it work you have to prepare a .zip or .7z with your custom mods inside, name it mod1 (thru 10) and place it inside Aslains_Custom_mods folder, then it shall be automaticaly installed by the installer every time you are using it).
Get an advantage over the enemy in battle. Has WOT banned some options from this modpack Sign in to follow this . Is it possible to switch the mod to a different letter, like " Y "  That was one of the best mods in the entire game and let's face ot, you are the best in the business when putting all of this together. Aslain’s ModPack contains only mods approved by the developers of Wargaming. Only manualy, by editing config files. Use different mod i.e. - info: I recommend to play The Road to Berlin without mods, otherwise you may experience weird problems, like inability to see battle results window from the event or exit from it.

spoter repair, and select hotkey in ESC menu (default is ALT IIRC). Nope, not banned, this portion of AAI+ mod has been removed from the modpack, because T key is used by a new game feature now and cannot be mapped for repair. Valid file names are from mod1 to mod10.- changed aslains_downloaded_files folder into Aslains_DLC_cache (you have to manualy remove old folder, and/or copy it's contents to Aslains_DLC_cache if you want to avoid redownloading)- removed few incompatible mods (will re-add then later)- fixed small bug in the installer related to cleaning up WoT cache- removed Wide borders of map mod (causing issues with WoT 9.2)- removed Sword of Damocles v7.7 crosshair (causing issues with WoT 9.2)- updated Xft' DamagePanel + integrated hitlog v0.9- updated SeaFalcons Damage Panel + Hitlog script and swf- new feature: auto-saving logs to file (except python.log)- added Wide Borders of Map FULL version (heavy on DLC)- re-added Kriegstreiber's Crosshair "Mjölnir" v2.98 (for 9.2)- fixed installing Damocles crosshair for J1mbo spg mode- added option to disable garage event hangar (in the WoT tweaker section)- the 9 colors rating scale replaced with the 11 colors one (this is the new and official WN8 scale made by unified colors of other stats in the 11-color band rating- added slighlty changed Wotlabs 11-color band rating with black replaced with white- re-added SPG crosshair on minimap (one style only)- added Standard crosshair, with better timer and more- replaced Full Wide Border of Maps with the light version- added expD v.2.1 - Hitlog & InBattle WN8 Calculator- updated expD v.2.2 - Hitlog & InBattle WN8 Calculator- updated any_to.js rating changing script by seriych- added new option: the shadow intensity on the OTMMega link removed temporary, not working for me today, not to mention it was working very bad recently- re-added KT's WWIIHWA Turret Traverse Sounds v1.64- fixed the large playerspanel with Default iconset selected- added color scheme selection compatibility with Team HP Pool bar mod- moved player names switch on OTM to the previous place- updated Spotmessanger 22 (also added new options)- changed the 11 colors rating scale by Aslain (white color to dark-red)- the problem you might experience, like crashing for no reason, is caused by WG minipatch that was applied yesterday - we need a new ModSettingsAPI mod- installing anything will apply a fix to res/scripts/- temporary updated ModSettingsAPI with some older but working version- fixed installing large players panel with certain setup- blocked installing the Squad & Tier number options if the max info is selected- added Squad number on the left side to the main Max Info option- added new 6th sense sound - Timer (with 10sec duration)- the XVM capture bar will have correct color for each color scheme nowAdfly changed to - they removed my account because of some false accusiations "due to a direct violation of their terms and conditions" kind of crap. Use different mod i.e.
Crew Return will return, I removed it too fast, as it works fine. I noticed another feature that is missing - return crew automatically.