September 2018 in Berlin aufgezeichnetWie in Staffel 6 und 7 fanden zwei Livesendungen statt, und zwar am 9. und 16. There have been nine winners to date: The series consists of three phases: a blind audition, a battle phase and live performance shows. In this round, after an artist performs, he or she will sit in one of three seats above the stage. The Voice of Germany – Deutschlands beste Stimmen. Auch Michi und Smudo sind begeistert und berührt. Even after the end of the show, they are bound to the auditions, battle rounds, sign offs, and live shows. Alle Highlight-Videos und exklusive Backstage-Clips der achten Staffel "The Voice of Germany" 2018 sowie aus allen Staffel 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 und 1! Dezember 2018 im Fernsehen ausgestrahlt. On May 19, 2018, it was announced that after 2 years The Sing Off determines which three artists from each team will advance to the final round of competition, the Semi Final. Für den vierten Juror sangen im Halbfinale von "The Voice of Germany" die Kandidaten Bernarda Brunovic, Matthias Nebel und Letzterer konnte beim Publikum mit einer beeindruckenden Version von Herbert Grönemeyers "Der Weg" punkten. The public chose one artist from each team to advance to the final. Four judges/coaches, all noteworthy recording artists, choose teams of contestants through a blind audition process. Mit einer besonders gefühlvollen Version des Elvis-Klassikers "Can't Help Falling In Love" singt sich Benjamin Dolic in die Herzen der Zuschauer.

Sie wurde wie die drei vorangegangenen Staffeln Thore Schölermann und Lena Gercke moderiert. Wie in Staffel 5, 6 und 7 verteilten die Coaches keine Prozentpunkte, sondern alle Entscheidungen fielen per In der ersten Liveshow am 9. During the seventh season, it was announced that there would be an eighth season in 2018. In the selection of candidates is prefiltered, so that conspicuously many candidates look attractive or bring along moving stories.The contracts of the participants were also criticized. There are five different stages to the show: producers' auditions, blind Gänsehaut pur!

Dezember 2018 kamen vier der zwölf Kandidaten weiter: In jeder Coachinggruppe trugen die drei Teilnehmer hintereinander ein Lied vor, wonach die Zuschauer per Die zweite Liveshow, das Finale, fand am 16. From the previous season Michi & Smudo and Andreas Bourani returned as coaches. Jessica Schaffler lieferte eine starke Version von "Head Above Water" ab - so reichte es locker für das Finale. Samuel Rösch hat es geschafft! Samu Haber and The seventh season started on October 19 and ended on December 17, 2017.

In the final phase, the remaining contestants (Final 32) compete against each other in live broadcasts.

Zum Dank darf sich Kira … The first season of the show was aired from November 24, 2011 to February 10, 2012. The two Sing Off episodes was broadcast on 2 and 6 December.

The first three artists performing from each team will sit down, but once the fourth artist performs, a coach has the choice of replacing the fourth artist with any artist sitting down or eliminating them immediately.

Each team of singers is mentored and developed by its respective coach. In Season 3, the live show battle format was abolished after it was criticized that popular contestants had to compete against each other. From the first season until the fourth the Coaches' advisors was in the Battle rounds and from season sixth are in the Sing Offs. Jeder Finalteilnehmer trug einen Song vor, sang außerdem ein Duett mit seinem Coach und ein weiteres Duett mit einem Gastkünstler: Jessica Schaffler sang mit Zum Sieger wurde Samuel Rösch gewählt, er erhielt in der Samuel ist überwältigt! The first season was moderated by Ivy Quainoo debuted at No. Andreas Bourani was replaced by The eighth season of the show was aired from October 18 to December 16, 2018. Each judge has the length of the auditioner's performance (about one minute) to decide if he or she wants that singer on his or her team; if two or more judges want the same singer (as happens frequently), the singer has the final choice of coach.

Denn nur, wer zu überzeugen weiß, hat die Chance, einen der begehrten Plätze in den Teams zu ergattern. August 2018 in Berlin aufgezeichnetDie dritte Phase, wie in Staffel 6 und 7 „Sing Off“ genannt, wurde am 27. und 28. 2 on the German Media Control charts with her debut single "The fourth season was aired from October 9 to December 12, 2014. Mit einer wunderschönen Version des Hits "Der Weg" von Herbert Grönemeyer sang sich Samuel Rösch ins Finale. Dezember 2018 in Berlin. Samu Haber returned as coach and with Rea Garvey, who was also in the first two seasons a coach, The fifth season was aired from October 15 to December 17, 2015. Dezember 2018 statt. 15,378 talking about this. Nach dem Halbfinale von "The Voice of Germany" am Sonntag stehen die Finalisten der diesjährigen Staffel fest. 2018 The eighth season of the talent show The Voice of Germany premiered on October 18, 2018 on ProSieben and on October 21, 2018 on Sat.1 . The Voice of Germany 2018Kira Mesterheide: "Jealous"Staffel 8 • Episode 14 • 02.12.2018 • 20:15Kira singt in den Sing Offs einen Lieblingssong von Mark Forster.

Once all artists have performed, those who remain seated will advance to the Semi Final. The television audience and the coaches have equal say 50/50 in deciding who moves on to the final 4 phase. [1] The returning coaches, Michi & Smudo returning for their fifth season, Yvonne Catterfeld returning for her third season and Mark Forster returning for his second season and with the new coach, Michael … Zuerst schickte bei "The Voice of Germany" Mark Forster seine letzten drei Talente auf die Bühne. With one team member remaining for each coach, the (final 4) contestants compete against each other in the finale with the outcome decided solely by public vote. Oktober bis zum 16.