It’s a decent gun for a reserve tank but you’d do well to get that first, crucial shot off in a tank that resembles an oversized Dalek. There’s a lot of fun to be had with that autoloader, like firing one shell to trick an enemy out of cover, or spamming all three to ensure complete destruction to nearly anything it will face.There are huge drawbacks, like the weight and slow speed. It’s not as useful elsewhere, as its lack of tracks mean it struggles to traverse rugged terrain and its open design leave it vulnerable to aircraft.Finally, a tank for trolls. This trait is found (at least, to an extent) in all Japanese aircraft. Your best bet with this tank is to use its penetration to target crew members; it takes a little longer, but it’ll allow you to take on a greater variety of enemies without having to rely on flanking tactics.The Chi-Nu marks a significant design shift from all previous light and medium tanks of the Japanese tech tree in that it actually looks like a tank.

Of course this staggering armament comes with downsides, like low-velocity shells that you’ll essentially have to lob at your enemies.
They may usually be able to out maneuver other planes who are engaging them. Japanese aircraft in War Thunder are often regarded as the most agile aircraft. While ordinarily that’s nothing to shout about, the fact that it’s the only serviceable Japanese tank in the early tiers makes getting this tank an achievement worth celebrating.Like many of its ilk it suffers from poor armour, which can even be penetrated by anti-aircraft guns. After Getting to tier 4 German planes I have begun a quest to get to tier 3 in every nations planes.After finishing brits I have to make a decision russian planes or japanese planes.I was wondering what the japanese are good for in this game. This is one of the reserve Japanese tanks, and it’s definitely the poorer of the two. Your best bet is to stay hidden, and always get the first shot in any firefight.Mercifully, that first shot is usually all you’ll need when using any Japanese tank, as their shells come packed full of so much high-explosive filler that most successful penetrations will net an instant kill, or at the very least incapacitate vital crew members for long enough to land a follow-up blow. However, the truck it’s mounted on actually makes it surprisingly sturdy. On urban maps like Advance to the Rhine, the M24 reigns supreme.

Its profile is enormous, which would be fine if it had thick armour – it doesn’t. Aircraft such as the Ki-43 and A6M Zeros possess the quickest turn time of the fighters in War Thunder, often allowing Japanese fighters to win turn-fight engagements. Better news still, it works like one too.

While they weren’t used to much effect in real life, in War Thunder, the M24 SDF is one of the best light tanks in the game, and certainly a vast improvement over the previous light tank in the Japanese tech tree, the Ka-Mi.Thanks to its 75mm main gun, the M24 SDF can punch through any tank in its tier with ease. This is more of a problem in Realistic Battles where respawns hinge on how well you’ve done before dying.One last general strength regards gun depression for Japanese tanks, which is excellent across the board and compliments players who adopt a hull down approach in Ground Forces. This makes peekaboo tactics, angling, and defending in close-quarters much easier. Most Japanese tanks can lower their gun from between 15 and 20 degrees, making them formidable in the right terrain and especially when going up against American tanks.Not only is the road to the Chi-Ha Kai one of the Japanese tech tree’s most gentle routes, the prize is a well-rounded medium tank. Couple that with the excellent gun depression of the Chi-Nu and you have a perfect pillbox fighter.The fact that it looks like a tractor should tell you everything you need to know about this early tier Japanese light tank. Now we’re staring down the menacing barrels of a brand new batch of tanks, anti-aircraft vehicles and tank destroyers: the long-awaited and distinctive Japanese tech tree.As with any tech tree in War Thunder, there are plenty of hidden gems, utter disappointments and great all-rounders to discover, avoid and work with respectively.

On the one hand that opens up a huge number of tactical possibilities; on the other it means that once you’ve fired all three shots you’re in for a huge reload time of over 30 seconds.

The carriage itself is quite difficult to maneuver, and the limited turret traverse only exacerbates that issue. It’s a truck-mounted 20mm cannon, which is hardly remarkable on paper. This beastly third tier tank is the first of its class in the game to use an auto-loading mechanism, which means you can fire three shells in quick succession before having to reload. Just as the German tanks are buried under thick plate armour and British tanks are lumbered with solid-shot AP shells, the Japanese tech tree has its own general quirks for you to overcome before you can master it.Historically, Japan has always lagged behind the rest of the world powers where tank design is concerned. Jordan prides himself on one thing alone: being better than you at Rainbow Six Siege.

It’s also huge, and unlike heavy tanks lacks complete armour, especially at the rear, which is packed with ammo racks. This trait is found (at least, to an extent) in all Japanese aircraft. This tank destroyer is best deployed in a supporting role, where it can shoot from behind natural cover or hold down entire streets, out of sight from the front line where its lack of armour will see its exposed crew picked off in a flash.If there is an issue with the Ho-Ro’s howitzer, it’s that it’s overly reliant on its HE potential rather than solid penetration values. Its pièce de résistance is its vertical plane stabilizer that lets you fire accurately while on the move. It’s also quite slow, with a top speed of just 30 kilometres per hour.Its saving grace is its main gun, a 57mm howitzer-style gun that allows you to fire over hills, albeit with severely reduced shell velocity. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Japanese bombers keep many of the traits of the fighters. Oh, and his job. Aircraft such as the Ki-43 and A6M Zeros possess the quickest turn time of the fighters in War Thunder, often allowing Japanese fighters to win turn-fight engagements. The Ho-Ni III swaps out the howitzer for a long-barrelled 75mm gun, and gains some better armour, turret traverse values and mobility in the process.