That's about it, none of these are particularly useful. While the results aren’t quite as tangible as in the Ground Forces game, heading towards a group of friendlies is an easy way of shaking off any pursuers.Bonus points for helping friendly fighters out is reason enough for most to give chase, and the fact that their target is already distracted usually means a quick kill too. Razer DeathAdder Essential - a high-precision secret weaponAsus TUF FX505DT - AMD and Nvidia combine to make a great gaming laptopAMD Ryzen 7 2700 - 8 cores, 16 threads, bargain price i stick it to AB. Why am I so bad? 7/10 of my warthunder battles result in me being one of the first 3 killed. the binoculars and C camera looking help tremendously if you don't already use them, the binocs allow you to spot tanks you would never ordinarily see, and do so from behind cover of a hill a lot of the time. And two skills you need to teach yourself C and B (or whatever the key for your binoculars is). Looking out of the cockpit as a battle rages around you, it’s easy to fool yourself into thinking that the endless chain of loop-the-loops you’re performing is in some way useful to you or your team.While most of these manoeuvres have a purpose in War Thunder, you won’t know how best to employ them early on into your fighter pilot career.
Or maybe, you just want to learn more about bombing? Your favourite global authority on PC gaming, hardware, and Half-Life 3.
Stay in line with, or behind your teammates at all times. War Thunder beginner’s guide: tips and tricks for air battles Become a bona fide air ace and assert your aerial superiority Topping the leaderboards of War Thunder ’s air battles is no mean feat. War Thunder utilises specific damage values and modules for every tank. If you rush ahead of your teammates, or break from a group, you're probably dead. simple, just buy an IS-6. Even if you’re quick enough to duck out of a fiery collision, the likelihood of either one of you emerging in better shape than the other is slim at best.So, when you see a plane coming straight at you, don’t take it as some kind of gentlemanly duel where victory can only be determined by divine intervention. Keeping an eye out for armour vulnerabilities, offensive frailties or knowing to simply keep a bit of distance between you and a certain type of tank will keep you involved in the battle for much longer.Even the slightest details can give you the edge over an opponent. In essence the Split S trades altitude for speed and a change in direction, allowing you to suddenly move in the opposite direction to either evade or attack an enemy.The execution is simple: complete a half-turn so that you’re upside-down and then enter a half-loop so that you’re flying parallel to the ground below you. having recently moved from arcade to realistic tank battles i've had to slow down A LOT, take my time moving around, peeking corners, trying to ensure i don't get flanked, and moving with my team. Likewise, knowing where a tank’s ammo racks are will give you a chance to take it out with as few shots as possible. learn distances and how to use the stadimetric rangefinder on your tank scope. C and B (or whatever the key for your binoculars is). A nimble turn-fighter is ideal in a closely fought dogfight, however, it’s easy prey from a distance. All rights reserved. It caters to a different playstyle and kind of player, but it is in my opinion even more rewarding and fun than Arcade. Well since pro bombers seem to have not found your thread yet and advice from attackers 200m ahead from treetop level might work, here's a few from fellow beginner whos entering into mid levels. Become a bona fide air ace and assert your aerial superiorityWhile the realistic penetration and ballistic mechanics differ little from War Thunder’s Ground Forces game, the increased speed and manoeuvrability make air battles an entirely different prospect.Additionally, there are no pathways to channel action into major points of contention, which means a battle can quickly devolve into a terrifying haze of flaming wreckages, bullets and occasionally – very occasionally – a still-flying, intact plane.