It’s an incredibly powerful handheld that’s easy to set up, it comes with enough buttons and sticks to play all of your games perfectly, and it even comes with a built in fan to keep your handheld from over heating.The MintyPi is hands down the cutest Retropie handheld on the list and it was created by members of the community instead of an actual company. So, below are the best retropie handhelds for us nostalgia nerds.The GPI case is one of the most popular Retropie handhelds on our list, and it’s not just because it resembles the classic Gameboy, but because its easy to put together and somewhat cheap because they get you to build yourself instead of them building everyone they ship.This device allows you to drop in a Rasperry Pi Zero (or Zero W) and emulate all of the major retro consoles we love. It has been floating around China over the last few weeks with a rumour that it has the ability to play PS2 games. It’s a very large handheld, the likes of Nintendo Switch Lite sized, it comes with a large 5″ screen, two analogue sticks (yes that red one below the ABXY is one) and a sturdy metal body. The metal buttons feel just like that of a metal gameboy, and we can imagine playing games on this thing is like playing games on something sent from the heavens. Inside is a Raspberry Pi 3 that can power Nintendo 64, PSP, PS1, Gameboy, SNES and a lot more.This is aimed at someone who knows what they’re doing, if you have no experience with tinkering around with electronics then you might want to skip this one. That wasn’t something we expected after spending $150.This Retropie handheld is still awaiting an official release, or even any kind of information for that matter. re: Retro Handhelds Posted by audodger on 8/15/20 at 11:32 am to ForeverEllisHugh You can, but I own a Vita, and it honestly feels like cheap plastic crap in comparison. We basically used this is a portable N64 player most of the time, and used the included USB ports with our controllers, and boom, you got yourself Pokemon Stadium or Mario Kart 64 on the bring screen with your friends.It’s not the “cleanest” of Retropie handhelds, but we love the transparent aesthetic, it makes it look different to everything else on the market. Raspberry Pi’s are only getting stronger and stronger by the day, being able to power some fairly large games, but honestly the Chinese market are catching up, with the likes of the It’s a competitive world, but if you’re into building it yourself retropie Handhelds are the way to go.A 27 year old fella that's had a Gameboy addiction ever since he was a child. A Pair of AI-Powered E.D.I.T.H Smart Glasses You Can Make Yourself. Not only that it has two USB ports, a TF card slot, two shoulder buttons, USB-C port and a HDMI out slot. You’ll have no frame rate drops, no issues with crashing not even massive bicep issues, because this light handheld is being powered by yet again, a Raspberry Pi 3. We're a team of passionate gamers and nostalgic hunters who want to create a modern, hip hub for all things retro gaming. And in case you’re wondering, yes, you can get this on an aeroplane, we’ve done it twice and no questions were asked, even if it does look a little… dodgy.It’s a large, heavy handheld we’ll admit, and although it’s not comfortable for long periods of play time, it is very immersive with its Bright 3.5-inch HD IPS wide-angle display that can handle 60-FPS image quality. It has a 2.2″ screen, an analogue stick, a bunch of buttons, HDMI out and yes USB ports so you can use it as a portable N64 should you want to.It’s small, powerful, looks great and plays better, it’s the ultimate tiny handheld for those wanting to play retro 3D games, but the large price tag might put people off, and we don’t blame you, you can get a Nintendo Switch for that price, but can a Switch play Pokemon Gold? However, putting that aside, it has a great screen, strong shoulder buttons and superb emulation. Featured Suggestion Top 10 Movies that proved that the PG-13 Rating is Not the Answer By Leonardo Klotz. We advise buying a DIY kit, or building your own to keep the costs down, but buying one straight out is easier for those that don’t know how or don’t have the time to build one. Have you ever wanted a Gameboy Mini? So there you have our list of the top 12 retropie handhelds! The 1UP XL. It’s an adorable handheld that feels like a miniature version of a Nintendo DS. That’s the Gameboy 1UP Micro. It’s just a shame that the build quality doesn’t follow its emulation quality. Created by the same guys this Retropie handheld not only looks like it’s straight out of Transformers but it can also power N64 ROM’s and most consoles before that very well. Like so many retro relics, vintage handhelds have their own distinct quality - possibly even more so than old home consoles, thanks to the fact that they're more tangible. It’s just a shame about the mighty price tag, there’s certainly better choices out there in our opinion, but we understand if you’re addicted to Gameboys like us!If you loved the Gameboy 1UP XL but didn’t like the size of it, then the Micro might be right up your street.
It’s heavy, thick, but fits in the hand like its been crafted by the high elves just for your fat hobbit hands. Raspberry Pi’s are only getting stronger and stronger by the day, being able to power some fairly large games, but honestly the Chinese market are catching up, with the likes of the RK2020 being able to play Dreamcast games for just $180, and the Retro Game 350 nailing PS1 ROMs for just $80. This is the Freeplay CM3 Retropie handheld, a DIY kit that uses a Custom Gameboy Advance shell as its body. The reason why these are selling well is because some of the Chinese handhelds that are out there can’t handle what the Raspberry Pi powered handhelds can. Nintendo Game Boy Advance 2. Many sources say that it has a Raspberry Pie inside that runs on Windows, allowing for PS2 emulation, but with out certain specs of this device it’s hard to tell if that’s actually possible.Price wise, again we’re not sure but we’re certain it will be priced around the $200 mark because it’s smashing all of its competitors out the park with build and emulation quality.
With a Raspberry Pi inside this thing could easily power your retro games in style.