Possible values for ussr (1/6000), nato (1/6400), real (1/6283) To display these lines, you must add the ballistics block, including the required number of bullet blocks, each of which has its own settings that are responsible for drawing and placing lines.
distance:p3=200, 0, 0, where the first number is the range correction value for which the notch will be drawn, and the second number indicates the symbol that will display this notch (for the value 0, only a notch without a number is drawn) and the third number is the centering of the notch and its size.
And the settings block that can be used to create this sight: they wont impliment SB mechanics for RB, not even the maps. Example implementation of the P40 sight in the game. Download War Thunder NOW! However, with the help of this block, you can create a sight that will permanently display several lines for various types of shells, and their ballistics will correspond to the in-game values. Then copy the sight_1 file to the folder “all_tanks”. Forcing players to use realistic sights would +Reduce the exploit allowing players to fire through walls by clipping their barrel through it +Change how bush decorators are used, as players need to be mindful of not blocking their optics. But whatever...on with the show. line { line:p4 = 0.25, -0.25, 0, -0.0; move:b = false; } – this block draws one line which begins in the upper right quarter of the screen and ends in the center of the screen. After watching a video or two on Steel Fury: Kharkov 1942 I wondered if the devs plan on adding realistic optics for the tanks in simulator battles and maybe even realistic battles mode. As an example, here is the sight skin of the Italian P40 tank: It works the same with the directional correction line. If an invalid variable type is specified, for example, instead of an integer textAlign: i = 1, you specify textAlign: i = 1,5 the game will not be able to read such a file and you will not see the changes you specified. In the screenshots attached you see in this one match i am playing a realistic battle. The choice for the type of the thousandth for the whole sight: Example of drawing one line with coordinates in the thousands © 2010—2020 by Gaijin Entertainment.
No sights are zeroed in sim, the gun and gun sight both look directly straight ahead, drawing a perfect parallel line with each other. Example ballistics block for the T-55A tank and three shell types, APFSD ZBM25, KS-ZBK17 and composite armor-piercing BR-412D: Tanks and helicopters can have different night vision devices for different crew members, for example, the gunners' sight may have a thermal imager, while the commander's (or in the case of helicopters the pilot's) view may have image intensifiers, and the driver's view a less powerful image intensifier. World of Tanks; War Thunder; Armored Warfare; Search for: Search. Right now the default gun sight setting puts the camera on the end of your barrel instead of in your actual optics. A simple example of the thickness of notches and font size of an IT-1 sight after editing lineSizeMult:r=2.0 and fontSizeMult:r=2.0. A simple example of the thickness of notches and font size of an IT-1 sight after editing lineSizeMult:r=2.0 and fontSizeMult:r=2.0.
Jump to: navigation, search. I was always hoping that tanks in war thunder are not different just in how they look from the outside but also how they are operated from the inside. The sighting reticle is a block of settings of elements: scales, lines, moving parts and text. For world war 2 tanks it would be cool to implement their realistic gunsight in the game (e.g. Apart from these settings, the standard sight contains the block crosshair_distances, which determines how regularly the range correction notches will be placed. The settings are set as one .blk file that can be edited using any text editor. The ability to create user-made sight grid designs for ground vehicles was added in update The number of different sight reticles per vehicle is not limited. So you can create any number of different reticles in one folder and be able to switch between them. For maximum sight customization, you can use the drawLines and drawTexts blocks, with the help of which you can draw elements from the cutoffs and text, indicating their coordinates: Seems silly. You can specify the classes of vehicles for which the sight will be allowed for use or the specific list of vehicles inside this block. Custom sights will be created by changing settings in the reticle file rather than in any graphic editor. (+1 and Thanks for you, Not 'news' to me but good advice overall Suztown!) It's because AB is meant to be easy, every plane gets … Using the entire spectrum of possibilities for creating user-made sight reticules, one can create sight reticules that will be as close as possible to the historical versions. Note! When creating historical sights it is always better to use the ID of the specific vehicle for which it is suitable. War Thunder > General Discussions > Topic Details. Skip to content . Full Metal Blogger. Sir Stefan Lord of Kitty Cats. Apart from these elements, the sight can also contain a few more blocks that provide new options. Several patches ago my gun sights were changed from corresponding to the type of battle i was playing, arcade, realistic or simulator, to being simulator battle sights at all times. Now you just need to specify which vehicles have the available sight. From War Thunder Wiki. The ID can be found inside the block The ID will also be specified in the name of the catalogue which is created when creating the custom sight. The standard sight automatically draws a target reticule on the basis of the ballistic data of the selected shell type. For example: Drawing painted figures on the basis of a quadrangle. drawUpward - changes the scale displaying to a mirror one.
War Thunder Community Discord =WTCD= Report post; Posted November 27, 2015. START PLAYING!! OK. Don't get why they'd give it one in one mode and not the other. It should either have it or not. Feb 21, 2016 @ 9:10am Realistic gun sights. The default sighting reticle for ground vehicles in War Thunder can be replaced with a custom one, for example if you want to recreate a historical representation of the sight. It is static and does not move when a range is entered. Complete the first 3 steps described in the instruction "Creating a reticle template for a single vehicle".
Right now the default gun sight setting puts the camera on the end of your barrel instead of in your actual optics. In case with the radial scale the parameter crosshair_distances/distance.z means the radius of a circle.