Das bedeutet, dass es schwer sein kann, schnelle Ziele zu treffen. Game Guide. Secondly, heavy weight implied high cost, both in the purchase price and in regular operations and maintenance.The interior of the IS-7's turret as it is today. Und obwohl der IS-7 eine hohe Höchstgeschwindigkeit hat, kann er diese nur mit Rückenwind und Heimweh erreichen. 100 die Entwicklung eines neuen sowjetischen schweren Panzers, welcher zwei Bedingungen erfüllen musste. On the other hand its poor gun handling, poor gun depression, and large frontal glacis weak spot make it difficult to master. Prototypen wurden 1946-1947 erprobt, der IS-7 bestand den Truppenversuch, dennoch gab es keine Massenproduktion. IS 7 - posted in General Discussion: I dont know why I want it because Im not a heavy guy but Ive bounced so many shots off of them over the years verses anything else Ive shot 1115A type 5 etc its just tempting.

Penetration is not the IS-7’s specialty since the AP shell has 250mm, APCR 303mm, and HE 68mm. Pearl Riving Incoming!!! World of Tanks is an epic online multiplayer game featuring authentic tanks from the mid-20th century. The design was envisioned as a counterpart to the German Tiger II heavy tank in terms of armour and firepower.To log in, select the region where your account is registeredSpecifically, the mismatch in crew values caused by commander's 10% crew skill bonus. Check out these related items on Amazon.

Einerseits hat es den Vorteil, dass es eure effektive Frontpanzerung stark erhöht, falls ihr gerade steht, andererseits kann man den Panzer nicht weiter anwinkeln, ohne die Panzerung an einer anderen Stelle schwächer zu machen.

The remaining hull armor is extremely tough and the frontal turret is immune to most shells as well. By doing these moves you will increase the amount of bounces off of your armor and also cause the enemy to fire less often.Lastly, one thing to always keep in the back of your head is your distance to the enemy.

Bleibt stets als eine Gruppe zusammen und macht Druck, bis ihr bei der Gegnerbasis angekommen seid.Die ausgewählten Ausrüstungsteile und Besatzungsfähigkeiten sind natürlich nur Vorschläge. Obj 140, E-50M, 121 BUFFS | Equipment Tips | WoT 10 Year AnniversaryWoT’s New?!

Outside of a crew of 1 commander only, 100% crew is a fiction. Prototypes successfully underwent trials in 1946 and 1947, but the IS-7 never saw mass production.

Veröffentlicht am 19/11/2014 von XP1500Monster // 0 Kommentare. This World of Tanks IS-7 guide will help you understand the tank and also what tactics to use while playing it. When you play it wrong and allow enemy tanks to shoot your side/rear armor or hit your lower glacis is when the IS-7 feels like an under performing tank.One trick that takes time to perfect that works well with the IS-7 along with other tanks is the wiggle technique. Soviet heavy tanks. Experimentiert ruhig mit euren eigenen und wählt das, was für euch am besten funktioniert.Im Jahre 1944 begann in der Kirov-Fabrik Nr. These differences are taken into account in tooltip boxes.Unable to match configuration for query: engine:r45_is-7::top|powerUnable to match configuration for query: chassis:r45_is-7::top|traversespeedUnable to match configuration for query: turret:r45_is-7::top|armorturretfront/Unable to match configuration for query: turret:r45_is-7::top|armorturretside/Unable to match configuration for query: turret:r45_is-7::top|armorturretbackUnable to match configuration for query: gun:r45_is-7::top|damage1/Unable to match configuration for query: gun:r45_is-7::top|damage2/Unable to match configuration for query: gun:r45_is-7::top|damage3Unable to match configuration for query: gun:r45_is-7::top|penetration1/Unable to match configuration for query: gun:r45_is-7::top|penetration2/Unable to match configuration for query: gun:r45_is-7::top|penetration3Unable to match configuration for query: turret:r45_is-7::stock|turrettraverseUnable to match configuration for query: turret:r45_is-7::top|turrettraverse-Unable to match configuration for query: gun:r45_is-7::top|depressionUnable to match configuration for query: gun:r45_is-7::stock|maxammoUnable to match configuration for query: gun:r45_is-7::top|maxammo