StarBase - Alpha, Star Wars crawl - in HTML5.3 with CSS3 animation, in Ashcroft, BC Canada StarBase - Alpha showcases the features of the JWPlayer StarBase - Alpha has its main menu a diapo … To boldly go where no website has before … StarBase - Alpha "The Future Contingency" The Prime Directive is to showcase the features of the JWPlayer. While the sign-up surveys are used as means to let us know who would be interested in taking part of the Closed Alpha, filling up the survey is in no way a guarantee of an invitation. Alpha announcements.

I look forward to being a part of this community!I don't think the devs even know this yet as they have not even planned a date for it.totally understandable. Only devs can post, alpha testers can comment. ~10 000 on the first survey.

Currently Starbase is still in a stage where it's not ready for a large playerbase, we will focus on improving the gameplay and creating more content and move on to larger scale testing as we go along.

The point of the survey is to collect some preliminary information and interests of those who are interested in Starbase.

I am sure this has been asked somewhere, But I am curious if there is a way to participate in the closed alpha when it becomes available. Players will be invited when needed. The second survey is still open

Next Post Vernal Edge, Demo Download, Kickstarter Live. Likewise some elements of your character may transit from Alpha to the final game (like blueprints). Previous Post Rogue Company, Alpha Sign Up.

If you are an Alpha Tester, please ask for the Alpha forum access in Discord #alpha-feedback. So, if the same image/video/post hits the page as another (or another very similar one) that's already up here, we might remove it to consolidate to one thread. I see the survey has been posted here already, so I'd just like to make it clear that filling the survey does not guarantee an invitation to the closed alpha.

You will be contacted through discord if the email fails. I am incredibly interested in this game and its possibilities, and really want to get involved on the ground level. 1.3 How often will players be invited? Sign up for the closed alpha on by filling up their application form.

The survey was fun to do, and I enjoyed the suggestions I was allowed to give.Go to starbase discord, there you can fill the survey and through that they may invite you for closed testingThanks for the quick replies! From VenlaFB:

Important information about the alpha. Starbase - Closed Alpha PVP Tournament hosted by Boltcrackers. I actually enjoyed doing the survey, providing insights and ideas along with what I want to do in the game was a nice touch.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castr/Starbase is a subreddit for the Sci-Fi MMO game Starbase by Frozenbyte.Looks like you're using new Reddit on an old browser.

Possibly to a degree, but we cannot make promises yet. Alot? Starbase-related creations, memes, and so on are wonderful, but we want to avoid flooding the page with the same ones. Categories Alpha PC Sign-ups.

The environment in Starbase is fully destructible, meaning everything can be destroyed or disassembled with the right kind of tools and weaponry. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts

If there is any way to do so, I'd love to know.I see the survey has been posted here already, so I'd just like to make it clear that filling the survey does Btw I might be upgrading my PC soon so my survey may become obsolete in the foreseeable future.Absolutely understand!

If the email bounces, you may be sent a DM on Discord.

Over 20k? Chosen participants will be sent an email.
Aug 12, 2020; KaiFB; ... Closed Alpha. What do I do?

1.1 How do I sign up for Closed Alpha access? We don't really know.

1.4 Can I buy a key? Nothing is decided yet, however. 1.5 Can I lose my access? 1.2 How do I know if I've been selected to participate in the Starbase Closed Alpha?

The site may not work properly if you don't If you do not update your browser, we suggest you visit Press J to jump to the feed. Cookies help us deliver our services. Tags first person shooter fps indie mmo multiplayer online pvp … It's uncertain, here’s what Joel said. But doesn't really exclude a wave earlier either." We may have to do a "server wipe" once or multiple times during the Alpha (we will try our hardest not to, though).