(Bild: Screenshot) España +34 (0) 91 788 0698 Tarifa local de Madrid. Condor Beschwerde auf Reklamieren24 Das Unternehmen Condor hat 142 veröffentlichte Reklamationen auf Reklamieren24.
Wenn ihr bei der Fluggesellschaft Condor Tickets gebucht, Fragen oder eine Beschwerde vorliegen habt, könnt ihr den Support per E-Mail und Telefon erreichen. I cannot tolerate the lies. They don’t have a proper service on the airplane neither on the hotline.
I was happy with Condor before this incident but I will not continue being a customer to Condor anymore.
Still waiting on a refund from 2019 which they said they will honour but with no timescale given. I email the company and only received an automated response - never heard back. Condor
Wenn Sie stets über das Unternehmen und seine neuesten Angebote auf dem Laufenden gehalten werden möchten, können Sie auch den Newsletter bestellen, der dann in regelmäßigen Abständen an Ihre E-Mail-Adresse gesendet wird. But what really pisses me off is that we requested the cancellation and refund of a ticket due to the Corona crisis back in April and all this time they kept telling me, wait for the cancellation e-mail, until just now some dude (that might have not been given proper training), told me by phone that the ticket was never canceled and that it was just a voucher and even offered me 10% extra for not canceling it. Die Condor Service-Hotline ist 24 Stunden am Tag für 0,20 Euro pro Anruf aus dem Festnetz (mobil für 0,60 Euro pro Anruf) erreichbar: +49 (0) 180 6 767767. I couldnt believe my ears, i started shaking, trying to explain that i dont have it, that cancun is my home, that i have my papers there and everything. The company is a 100% subsidiary of Condor Flugdienst GmbH and operates maintenance operations in Frankfurt and Düsseldorf. I received a full refund from other airlines who cancelled the flight due to Corona.
I have been on hold to customer service for almost an hour. España +34 (0) 91 788 0698 Tarifa local de Madrid.
It‘s so ridiculous.
So it can not be that difficult. Besides that, we read all of the travel guides to inform ourselves about any restrictions in Italy and on Sardinia. He wasn’t at all trying to help or resolve the situation as any company should!
It‘s 65 year old German company, who forgotten what service is. All Condor Hotlines at a Glance Hotline. So, if you like uncomfortable flights, poor customer service, and no guarantee of luggage - all at the same price of other better airlines, then Condor is the airline for you! She sent me to a guy that was the rudest guy i have ever experienced, honestly. eine Provision vom Händler, z.B.
Alle Rechte vorbehalten Mit der Nutzung dieser Website erklären Sie sich damit einverstanden, dass wir Cookies verwenden. Just happened to me.
After calling the airline they assured me to refund me within 2 weeks. für mit Bei Fragen oder Problemen bezüglich Ihres Fluges können Sie den Kundenservice von Condor kontaktieren. Wir können nicht gewährleisten, dass alle Informationen korrekt oder aktuell sind.
Español: De 08:00 h - 18:00 h: disponible en español De 18:00 h - 08:00 h: disponible en inglés o alemán.
Not for me - never again!!
I was flying from Cancun to Vienna ane then back from Vienna to Cancun since i live in Cancun, and it was the 4th time in past 2 years i have been flying this destination.
My family and I booked 4 flight tickets through Condor.
The seats are old and hard for a flight of 4 hours.
Its not okay to yell at customers, they are feeding them! The flight ticket cost €1650 for economy class which is the highest rate i have ever had to pay and i have been traveling during christmas time the same destination!! And the seats are the same.
The Condor is a powerful mains energiser from Hotline with a dual output control and a useful fence load indicator.
Do not touch this Condor with a barge pole.