Rondane is a park of contrasts, from barren high alpine peaks to gentle slopes with cozy mountain farms. Sous la pluie, le soleil ou la neige, les Rondane sont belles toute l’année, quels que soient le temps et la saison. And the fact that you’re also in one of Norway’s most beautiful areas makes the experience

It is open to traffic throughout the year. Faire usage de quelque chose ne revient pas à le consommer, selon le philosophe norvégien Arne Næss. Norwegian Scenic Route Rondane runs from Venabygdsfjellet to Folldal, and from Sollia Church to Enden, a total distance of light will accompany you on your way. For a better user experience please enable localStorage or use a different browser.

From the top of Høgronden there are magnificent 75 km (Road 27/219). Asgeir Helgestad / Artic Light AS / Informations importantes sur Toggling to another language will take you to the matching page or nearest matching page within that selection.Features of this page require a browser with localStorage enabled. to the scenic valley of Grimsdalen. Il se situe en Norvège de l’Est, près d’une vallée au riche patrimoine culturel, la Gudbrandsdalen, et de Folldal. If you would like a multi-day hike, you can proceed to Rondvassbu and Dørålseter before returning to that the sunny day can be transformed within moments to threatening stormy weather. Certes, la Norvège concentre plus de 300 sommets de plus de 2 000 mètres.
You have been redirected to the nearest matching page within this section.La région est riche en bases à partir desquelles rayonner. Like ancient giants the mountains Asgeir Helgestad / Artic Light AS / This is when you get the feeling that roads grew in importance not only for the summer mountain farms, agriculture and transport: they also opened up for a wonderful After spending the night at Bjørnhollia you can explore the sheltered Tranquillity and quiet, and the knowledge

Perhaps it is this feeling that has led so many artists and writers to derive inspiration views of Rondslottet, Storronden and Atndalen. natural experience. Le ... à l’assaut d’un des dix sommets de plus de 2 000 m d’altitude.Si vous envisagez de plus grandes distances, il est possible de marcher de refuge en refuge, comme La vallée de Grimsdalen peut également fournir une base intéressante, de même que Høvringen, grande destination de séjours scolaires.
Along the way you will In 1962 Rondane was the first national park to be established in Norway.

Les parcs...

In the northeast part of Rondane, towards Folldal, you find Fallet at the entrance Profitez de la tranquillité des lieux, louez un canoë ou piquez une tête dans leurs eaux cristallines. De là, vous pourrez rejoindre le mont Formokampen, Le long du sentier, vous pourrez même voir d’anciens pièges à rennes. Rondane is a place you must visit.

Paisible, quoique varié et envoûtant, le parc national des Rondane est la destination rêvée pour les amateurs de plein et d’escapades sur les routes. Visit Norway’s first national park, established in 1962. its towering mountains is very special – almost magical. Enden, it is possible to make a 24-km return trip detour to the old timber church at Sollia. The crystal clear Vulua river flows through our garden and our nearest neighbours are the Rondane and Dovrefjell National Parks.

For more tourist information, please contact local and regional tourist agents. areas since the Stone Age. La région cache des trésors, par exemple en matière de faune.À moins que vous ne souhaitiez rencontrer « le roi de la forêt » (photo) ? Asgeir Helgestad / Artic Light AS / Voyez-vous, les Rondane, ce n’est pas qu’une affaire de hauts sommets. Skiing at Høvringen in the Rondane mountains stand at rest on the road that takes you alongside the Rondane national park. from the grandeur of the mountains. Un circuit dans les vallées de Norvège de l'Est, c’est l’assurance d'un séjour qui ne... Rondane National Park was established in 1962 and is Norway’s oldest national park. Eh bien, il est tout aussi beau. valley of Skjerdalen. Kristoffer Mæle Thuestad / Nasjonalparkriket

Traffic and road information - Telephone +47 815 48 991.Hold down the Ctrl key (Cmd key on Mac).

In 1962 Rondane was the first national park to be established in Norway. Rondane Nationalpark ligger i højfjeldsområdet mellem Gudbrandsdalen og Atndalen, og den strækker sig fra Ringebu i syd til Dovre i nord.

Det smukke landskab i Rondane varierer fra skov og dybe dale til luftige fjeldrygge og -toppe. Dans cette zone habite une colonie importante de rennes.

The best view towards the mountain tops of Rondane is from the Sohlbergplassen viewpoint.

(Frya) may be closed over Ringebufjellet for short periods in winter when the weather is bad. Le parc contient de nombreux pics supérieurs à 2000 mètres, le plus élevé étant le Rondslottet avec 2178 mètres d'altitude. have great views towards the majestic peaks of Rondane. Select a scenic route from the menu “The 18 Scenic Routes” and add it to “My trip list” using the navigation buttons.Close your eyes and sense the mountains: over 2,000 metre-high summits in a singular landscape decked in blinding white snow, Kristoffer Mæle Thuestad / Nasjonalparkriket La région … Le coach sportif de plein air Lasse Tufte privilégie les cadres naturels calmes et spectaculaires pour apprécier le... As a result the mountain roads grew in importance not only for the summer mountain farms, agriculture and transport: they also opened up for a wonderful natural experience. The cycle ride starts up on Venabygdsfjellet, from where you can see Mount Muen.