These are automatic weapons that fire intermediate cartridges.
For further information please refer to the article page. Is that the only way to open up the 3rd weapon slot or am I just severely derp and missing something here? Below is a list of all weapons in the game, where you can find each of them and what upgrades are available.
A list of attachments available for each weapon can be found on their respective page. Metro Exodus technically has the most amount of handheld firearms in the series, even though it doesn't seem like it at first glance. To make things a little easier, I have listed them by weapon type. Assault rifles is the most numerous weapon class in the game. With the player character, Artyom, journeying across linear sections of a Post-Apocalyptic Metro System and an irradiated surface of post-apocalyptic Moscow, hoping to save what's left of humanity, long after World War III. ... Metro Last Light; Vehicles; Weapons. These weapons use compressed air to fire various metal projectiles. In the novels, weapons are hardly ever referred to with their exact designation. The choice of weapons should be excusable by the preferred playing style. In the games, this class also includes carbines and light machine guns. Category page. To do this, you'll need to use silent weapons. Most weapons have multiple attachments that can be applied to upgrade damage, accuracy etc. VDNKh convoy guards are said to carry "bulky military 7.62 calibre "machine guns" with wooden butts" which are probably AKMs, RPKs or perhaps (although this is unlikely) even PKs. However, most handguns appearing in the games can be modified and converted into rifles or small carbines, which are fired using both hands. At face value, Metro Exodus only has 10 weapons. I can select and buy a weapon into the 3rd slot at a weapons dealer but that's an awfully expensive option on Ranger Hardcore. Almost all weapons can equip some form of sights (a red dot sight, a scope and/or a laser sight) and an extended magazine.
If you want to operate in shadows and fight only if you have to, it is best to choose a set of a pistol, an assault rifle and a double barreled shotgun/regular shotgun. There are also more unique options for specific weapons, like various barrel modifications, muzzle devices or stocks. All weapons have multiple slots with several (usually 4) different parts available for each slot.
Get ready to defeat all enemies in your way, both human and mutant, with these post-apocalyptic weapons! Stealth Disposing of enemies silently is greatly encouraged in the game and it's pretty fun, too.
This is the category page for weapons. The Kalash 2012, or AK-2012, is a fictional next-generation Kalashnikov assault rifle that had been introduced by the Russian army a year before the nuclear war that drove humanity underground - as such, it is fairly uncommon, as most soldiers still used the AK-74M, the 2012 being reserved for special forces. For further information please refer to the article page. Most weapons have a number of upgrades available and can be purchased as long as you have the weapon. Edit. However, sometimes, it is possible to figure out what weapon is being described.
To upgrade weapons, you must go to a gun shop in one of the many settlements throughout the game and purchase them. This Metro Last Light weapons guide will show you some of the Metro Last Light weapons you get to handle in this first-person shooter.
There are a number of miscellaneous weapons that can be used during gameplay to give you a little edge over your opponents. Classic editor History Talk (8) This is due to the new customisation mechanics introduced in Exodus, that allows weapons to essentially become entirely different weapons with certain modifications. Pneumatic weapons are an interesting concept that emerged in the Metro after the war. Sniper rifles are semi-automatic or bolt-action weapons for long-range combat. This class includes various (even non-lethal) throwable pieces of equipment, as well as explosives that can be either thrown or placed down. Trying to pick up a 3rd just swaps it with one of my two.
Melee weapons are weapons used in hand-to-hand combat, usable melee weapons in Metro games include various knife variants. Fortunately, you can find these scattered throughout each of the levels and can also be purchased from vendors at the various settlements you come across. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Of course, this can come down to each individual's criteria of what classifies as a "new" or "different" weapon, but it is an interesting thing to consider nonetheless. As the sequel Metro 2033, Metro: Last Light follows the same gameplay formula.