26. Important Global Map: Drive the Fire Trail! Clan average Elo rating on the Global Map. CS Army. Global Map Season 13 is Almost Here! Clan …

12,193 [CSA] CS Army. Battles per Day .

Clan Spotlight: F0CUS Clans Discuss. Back in 2013 during the glory days of Xbox 360 and PS3 when clans were a big deal and everyone had to have there own clan I found myself looking to join a clan myself, however I didn’t want to join ju.

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All rights reserved. The bot, when installed by the server administrator, is either configured to XBOX ou PS4 platforms. Clan Ratings. Selecting another region may affect the website content. Clan Screen and WoT Assistant Update Clans. Updated at 2020-07-14T13:09:30.0500000Z. Votes. 12,267 [9-TDR] 9.Tanková divize Reborn.

Date Recent Overall; Actives Activity Battles Win Rate WN8a WN8t15 WN8t7 Members Battles Win Rate WN8; 2020-06-14 14: 74%: 6,802: 54.9%: 1,771 Our website uses cookies so that we can provide a better service. Create a clan now for You are able to sort them by skill level or just have a look at the rating of your own clan and …

Here you have access to a leaderboard of clans on PS4 and XBOX. Clans are ongoing military unions, so you can easily team up with your friends and meet new players. Games.
- posted in Clan Recruitment: Hello World of Tanks Community,we are glad to provide you a home for statistics exclusively for World of Tanks Console. Leaderboard of all Clans on XBOX / PS4 in a worldwide comparison.

Average number of battles per day per player in all modes. World of Tanks' Clans for PlayStation.

Marks of Excellence Standing Damage estimates to achieve MoEs.
Platforms. Categories Tracking 29,299 commanders in 2,371 clans. Clans are ongoing military unions, so you can easily team up with your friends and meet new players. Xbox Live Gold membership (sold separately) required on Xbox consoles. "Wargaming.net" and "World of Tanks", and their respective logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Wargaming in the USA and other countries. … Data for 571 tanks calculated at 8/22/2020. 12th Circle Gaming .

Clans Discuss. Fire Trail is Over Clans.

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Selecting another region may affect the website content. This configuration is the default when retrieving information from the database. Global Map Rating .

8. Best Clans. © 2020 Wargaming.net Members. Clans. By clicking any link on this page and continuing to use this site you are giving your consent for us to use cookies. Clan Dashboard: Stay on Top of the News Clans Discuss. The "PS" Family logo is a registered trademark and "PS4" is a trademark of Sony Interactive Entertainment Inc. "Xbox" and the Xbox logos are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies and are used under license from Microsoft. Global Map Season 12 Clans Discuss. Clan [LEONI] and [PUMA] PS4 searching NA and EU players - competitive and relaxed Started by Dardan73-p, 08 Jul 2020 leoni , puma , recruitment , clan 1 reply Additional in-game content available and sold separately. Create a clan now for 850 and pick your own clan name and short clan tag or use the Find Clan feature to search for existing Clans now! 9.Tanková divize Reborn.