Nach vier Jahren Entwicklungszeit ist das Open-World-Abenteuer endlich fertig und muss im Test beweisen, ob es den Ansprüchen gerecht werden kann. What we do know is that the game was being developed by an unknown studio but has since then been scrapped and passed back to Retro Studios — the original developers behind the Prime trilogy.Due to all the development changes, Metroid Prime 4 isn’t expected to release until 2021 or beyond, but as far as new Nintendo Switch games go, it’s still one of ones we are most excited about.If there is a game series that epitomizes the spectacle fighter genre, it would be Bayonetta.

Discover what has become of the kingdom of Hyrule in this stunning open-air adventure for Nintendo Switch and Wii U. The first Bayonetta 3 teaser trailer was released three years ago and the studio has stayed silent since.One of the most popular indies of recent years, Hollow Knight, is getting a sequel.

Below is our selection of the best new Nintendo Switch games you need to on the lookout for in the near future.The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild took the world by storm when it launched alongside the Nintendo Switch in 2017.

DER TITAN VAH RUTA & WEGBEGLEITER SIDON! The sequel to the smash hit indie will see players take control of a new character called Hornet.

Nevertheless, the sequel promises to be darker not only than its predecessor but than most other Zelda games. In return, they … The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening Learn more. Step into a world of adventure Forget everything you know about The Legend of Zelda games. Journey to the kingdom of Hyrule and discover the timeless battles between good and evil and the secrets of the all-powerful Triforce.Explore a reimagined Koholint Island in one of the most beloved games in the Legend of Zelda series.Game trademarks and copyrights are properties of their respective owners. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild ist das Zugpferd des Launch-Lineups für die neue Nintendo Switch - und das ambitionierteste Spiel von Nintendo. Play video from The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening for Nintendo Switch. Pokémon Snap was relaxing and imaginative, but it also forced players to think outside of the box to score maximum style points with each… snap.Now, after more than 20 years, the game is getting its long-awaited sequel. Released Sep 20, 2019. Explore a world of unprecedented size and discover more than 100 puzzle-filled shrines. Unfortunately, this is pretty much all that we know so far.

Nintendo Switch Explore a reimagined Koholint Island in one of the most beloved games in the Legend of Zelda series.

Play video from The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening for Nintendo Switch. It was the last mainline Zelda game before While there's been no official announcement of the port from Nintendo – and the listing itself has now been pulled from Amazon – the listing was clearly for Nintendo Switch and carried a slightly eyebrow-raising £69.99 RRP, while specifying that the title "has not yet been released".What lends this further credence is the upcoming 35-year anniversary of the Legend of Zelda series, coming in 2021 – coincidentally also the 10-year anniversary of Skyward Sword's release.While we suspect the listing was legitimate, there's no telling how early the information has leaked. Featured games. There is also speculation that Zelda herself might be a playable character this time around. Postponed several times, completely dedicated to Nintendo's E3 2016 and finally revealed as "The Legend of Zelda - Breath of the Wild", meantime also announced to launch at the same date the Nintendo Switch will at 03.03.2017 and set into the ramp light several times during the GameAwards, the fans had to wait 5 years after "Zelda Skyward Sword" for a new 3D-Zelda-Adventure. It would be exciting to see elements from so many different past games appear in BOTW 2, with the trailer seeming to show off iconography from the Twili in Twilight Princess, while also presumably keeping a lot of BOTW's open word elements and characters – being a direct sequel and all.BOTW 2 hasn't got any further reveals from Nintendo over the Given how integral the Wii's motion controls were to Skyward Sword's combat, too, there's plenty of potential for the Joy-Con's capabilities to be shown off – you know, if they Sign up to get breaking news, reviews, opinion, analysis and more, plus the hottest tech deals!Thank you for signing up to TechRadar. The 2011 instalment in the beloved Nintendo franchise launched originally on the Nintendo Wii, with a release on the Wii U eShop in 2016. “A game about sports, but not always,” it promises to take you on adventures through tennis courts, golf courses, but also magical dungeons and goat-infested abandoned buildings.If you’ve enjoyed bizarre and funny RPGs like Earthbound or Undertale in the past, you’ll want to keep an eye on Sports Story. Players can hop right back in Zero-One and begin their adventure through dense jungles and clear tropical waters.There are some new things we can glean from the short teaser, however. © Team Cherry shared that Silksong will be an “inversion on the Hollow Knight theme”: ascending to the top of a new kingdom instead of exploring forgotten depths. The titular shapeshifting witch made her first appearance more than a decade ago, stunning audiences with her demon-summoning hair and unique combat abilities.Now, she is set to return exclusively on the Nintendo Switch, guns blazing.