Days Gone has finally debuted on PlayStation 4. This is a game of fun and fury – it’s thrilling at times, but it signifies nothing.
But if I were to score it based off of pure gaming enjoyment, it gets a 10 still. Every so often a lengthy cutscene will unload exposition into my lap as I struggle to retain this surge of context and backstory. Look no further than the game developers calling the zombies “freakers,” and expecting us to take that as something new. Staking out marauder outposts from nearby high ledges and planning my attack, sniping enemies from afar or breaking out my shotgun after I’m spotted to end the fight in a bloody mess, brings a certain amount of satisfaction. The first encounter stops me cold, the game’s gnarly sounds and sharp score doing a fantastic job of building anxiety. And you can tell the effort here is to apply to a naturally tense open-world survival structure the kind of high-impact narrative one would expect from a linearly-funneled action game. The scattered fuel pumps and gas cans I find along the way may hold infinite supplies, but my motorcycle’s gas tank can only hold so much fuel at a time.
Told through not just great sound design, music and writing, but with some really nice and colorful pixel art as well. TV PC PS4 exclusive quality and it is just a great game period. Though it places you in a post-apocalyptic setting, the survival mechanics do nothing more than add monotony without ever raising the stakes...Sadly, Days Gone is the first real clunker of a PS4 exclusive. Does it have the shine and polish comparable to Naughty Dog's best works? Oddly enough, no one seems too worried about catching the virus it if they’ve already survived.
Days Gone feels bloated, like a movie that goes on for an hour longer than it needs to or should’ve. Days Gone is contextually broken, its gunplay is deplorable, its ‘open-world’ premise is a joke and its narrative consistently overrides that open-world ‘design’ goal. Lovecraft Country: Season 1 It takes inspiration from Red Dead Redemption, The Last of Us, and plenty other games, but fails to find its own voice or sense of charm. This game has done both well and has rapidly become one of my favorite open world games. © 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. You want to live with him this way. Switch Emergency response personnel in hazmat suits yell about an evacuation.
Meanwhile, in Days Gone, the end of the world is somehow incredibly bland.
The action sequences, however, illustrate very poor enemy AI. Reports Its pivotal moments turn its hero into an action star, but gunplay is underwhelming and lacks any real thrill. I have long wanted to plunge into the World as the plot of the series the Walking dead. Movies This is "State of Decay" without the stakes, "The Last of Us" without Naughty Dog's storytelling chops, and the most generic, overlong open-world game around.
„Fazit: »Denn schlussendlich hat mir Days Gone wirklich Spaß gemacht. A dense selection of overlapping gameplay mechanics make for entertaining action, even if the title’s unremarkable mission design doesn’t always make the best of them. [Issue#333, p.106] Games Days Gone is a derivative but enjoyable action-adventure with a beautiful environment, using AI and physics to create exciting moments of procedural entertainment. This sordid state of affairs leads me to believe that Days Gone was either rushed out by Sony to fill a gap in releases and buy time for the likes of The Last of Us Part 2 or that Bend Studio, a veteran of PSP and PS Vita titles, simply cannot develop for a bona fide console.
Reports Running out means I’m forced to walk to the nearest settlement, which is a scary prospect given how many people and things there are out there that want me dead. Like Deacon with Sarah, I kept going because I hoped to find something, to follow a thread to a possibly fascinating or satisfying or impactful conclusion. Days Gone stellt uns ein riesiges Waffenarsenal zur Verfügung, mit dem wir unseren Feinden einheizen. Million Dollar Beach House: Season 1 Days Gone is Really good Game it has lot of bugs but i really enjoy it . It fashions itself as a stealth game, but the stealth mechanics are sometimes unpredictable and the melee combat grows stale quickly. PS4