Collect all four of those letters in all levels in a world to unlock a bonus level. Last Edited: 3 May 2019 9:59 am. Was denkst du? Für Links auf dieser Seite erhält spieletipps ggf. Cranky will warn you that your battery is low and give you three extra lives.When you collect your prize from the barrel at the end of a level, hold the Wii-mote vertically and make punching motions to get multiple hits, and more rewards.When there is a KONG letter hanging off the edge of a cliff, use the Roll Recovery move to get it. 0 von 3 Lesern fanden diesen Beitrag hilfreich. 1 von 2 Lesern fanden diesen Beitrag hilfreich. Repeat this as many times as desired to get unlimited DK Coins and lives.Resume a saved game with a Wii-mote that has a low battery. eine Provision vom Händler, Was denkst du? Wii: Cheats für Donkey Kong Country Returns. Cyberpunk 2077 scheut sich nicht vor Blut, Sex und Gewalt. für mit

You'll have unlocked a bonus music gallery that features the tracks played in the levels of that particular section.

Roll off the edge of the cliff, and then jump at the last second to reach a safe ledge above. At the beginning of World 1-1, enter the tree house.

Donkey Kong Country Cheats: Cheats, Diddy 2, Donkey 2, Donkey 3. Beat the level there and you'll unlock "Mirror mode," a very difficult way to play through each level, in which Diddy can't be used, you only get one life, the level is reversed, and you can't use items.Beating the game unlocks the Banana Temple, but it won't be accessible unless you do a few things first. Wenn man mitten im Spiel ist drückt man R, L, A, X, A, L und kriegt als Resultat Diddy 2.Wenn man mitten im Spiel ist, muss man folgendes machen, um Donkey 2 zu bekommen: Als Erstes muss man 50 Leben haben. All levels in a world except Boss levels have hidden K, O, N, and G letters. Was denkst du? The Wario Land series is where Wario firs...Feel the beat of an all-new Donkey Kong adventure as you drum your way through wild jungle kingdoms. NY 10036. Donkey Kong Country Returns cheats, Easter Eggs, Glitchs, Unlockables, Tips, and Codes for Wii. Cheat-Suche: Donkey Kong Country Returns Cheats und Tipps: Endgegner-Guide, Komplettlösung (Welt 1 bis 8 + Goldener Tempel), und 2 weitere Themen In this mode, all levels are reversed, Diddy cannot be used, and you get only one life and cannot use items.Successfully complete the game and Mirror mode with all KONG letters and puzzle pieces collected to get a 200% game completion and unlock the following gallery images: Mole Carts, Petroglyph, Steamy Adventure, Temple Entrance, Temple Exterior, Tiki Extremes, Tiki Tong Storyboard, Volcanic Ascension.Defeat the Boss of the indicated island section to unlock the corresponding music gallery at the "Extras" menu. After hitting the higher squid, simply bounce again on the lower squid. Dann muss man mit Donkey Kong spielen und anschließend folgendes drücken: R, R, X, A, L, B, L, L, L und Start.Mann muss 50 leben haben, ihr wisst ja, wie das mit Sammeln oder Cheat geht. © z.B. New York, Jump to: Easter Egg (2) When you do, a golden temple will show up on the world map. In Donkey Kong Country Returns players can team up as Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong, in order to complete a fun-filled series of challenges, puzzles and tasks to reclaim Donkey Kongs stolen banana stash.All you need to do is good to a level that has a Diddy barrel, preferably one where he's at the begining open it and the leave the level you now have diddy kong without having to play through all those hard levels.In level 2-2 (Sloppy Sands), before the checkpoint pig there are two squid turrets below a bridge. Soluce de Donkey Kong Country Returns. Using Diddy Kong's jetpack, super bounce from the lower squid to the higher squid that gets shot out from the turrets. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, tricks, and secrets for Donkey Kong Country Returns for Nintendo Wii.

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