The Grubfather is the ageing patriarch of a colony of Due to mysterious reasons, all of the Grubfather's children disappeared. Simply attack from above to deal with it easily. The Grubs can be found trapped in jars in various locations throughout When the Grubfather is first encountered, he will be crying as all the Grubs have been taken from their dens. Unfortunately for them, I eat these grubs as soon as I see them. These creatures can also be discovered by Dream Nailing since normal grubs always read "...Home..."while Grub Mimics will have their normal Dream Nail dialogue. It is quite fast and has a lot of health, but its main weapon is the element of surprise.

Grubsong is a Charm in Hollow Knight. The muffled noises of Grub chatter can be heard from inside of him.

He is an elderly Grub who bemoans the loss of his children.

When returning after freeing Grubs, the Grubfather will grant rewards such as Geo and other items according to how many Grubs have been saved.

It pretends to be a Grub trapped in a glass jar.

After all Grubs have been rescued and rewards collected, returning to the Grubfather will reveal that all the Grubs are gone from their holes, and the Grubfather is now laying in the centre of the room, his stomach extremely bloated. When close enough to their location, a faint crying noise can be heard in their general direction. It emits the same sounds like a normal Grub, however, once freed, it reveals its true form and charges at It is quite fast and has a lot of health, but its main weapon is the element of surprise. The Grubs talk in high-pitched babbles and cannot be listened to.

They can be freed from their jar after which the Grubfather will grant a reward for each Grub that is saved. This appears to be part of the life cycle of Grubs where they will metamorphosise into a Grubberfly.Grubfather is found in the north-west corner of the Forgotten Crossroads in a room full of small Grub dens; this room is referred to as the "Grubhome" in an official map.Grubhome when returning after receiving the final rewardTake your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. It emits the same sounds like a normal Grub, however, once freed, it reveals its true form and charges at the Knight. These creatures can also be discovered by Dream Nailing since normal grubs always read Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Grubfather is an NPC in Hollow Knight. Luring an enemy close by pretending to be a weak little grub. Grubfather is an NPC in Hollow Knight. Simply attack from above to deal with it easily.

It causes the Knight to gain 15 SOUL when taking damage. It pretends to be a Grub trapped in a glass jar. Very cunning! Grubs are creatures found trapped in glass jars throughout Hallownest. Grubfather is an elderly caterpillar-like bug called a Grub. The seventh Grub is located in the western region of Greenpath, in the area just right of where the Knight fights Hornet.