However, Kaido and his forces were able to kill all of Oden's supporters and continue his reign over the country. Orochi was against Kaido taking the Flower Capital and Kaido responds by decapitating him with King's sword to Orochi's men's horror. Kaido ist mehr als dreimal so groß wie ein durchschnittlich großer Mensch und hat zwei ähnlich geformte Hörner auf dem Kopf wie Oz und Little Oz Jr. Er hat einen muskulös gebauten Körper, der zudem mit zahlreichen Narben übersät ist. Luffy's attacks were ineffective, as Kaido then struck Luffy with "Raimei Hakke", rendering him unconscious with just one hit. When he met Big Mom again for the first time in years, he told his men to take her Seastone cuffs off before trying to kill her, strictly preferring to fight his enemies fair and square despite having an easier chance to kill his fellow Emperor in a weakened state. In the ensuing battle, Oden managed to wound Kaido. Kaido then announce that he will be moving Onigashima to the Flower Capital and that he will force Wano's citizens into slavery to help empower the country as a lawless pirate empire.
Kaido found that attribute worth some credit but was equally quick to order Luffy locked up. Kaido agreed with Orochi to trick Oden into submission by making a fake deal with him, giving himself time to reinforce his army. Kaido said that their decision to take down Doflamingo have now caught his attention and that he will be going after them. During his imprisonment, Kid is shown to hold a strong grudge against Kaido and firmly told Luffy that he will be the one to defeat the Emperor.Kaido is said to be revered in Wano as a "wise king" and protector of their realm, although this only seems to be the case among people who are loyal to Kaido attempted to take Whitebeard's life, something very few would dare, and subsequently had an encounter with Overall, Kaido has been stated to have only lost seven battles in his lifetime and has only been injured twice. When the Kozuki retainers made it passed Zou and onto Dressrosa, Kaido ordered Doflamingo to capture them. He states that he will use the power that he have to wage a war on the world. Word of Doflamingo's defeat and the destruction of the SMILE factory brought Kaido mourning at his loss much to his drunken emotional sorrow.In the end though, Kaido was merely using Orochi as a pawn, and once Kaido revealed his New Onigashima Project, he beheaded Orochi when the latter objected to it. Before the Marineford War, Kaido attempted to attack Whitebeard but Shanks intervened and they fought. Kaido learned that Momonosuke, Kin'emon, Kanjuro, Raizo, and Kiku were in the Wano Country. He even put explosive handcuffs on her to keep her from leaving.Yamato herself seems to have a very low opinion of her father and has claimed to have attempted to defeat him multiple times in the past in order to attain freedom, being particularly frustrated about the explosive handcuffs he had forced onto her.
Kaido has been cruel to Yamato as he beat her numerous times since her childhood and kept her imprisoned on Onigashima since she was eight years old. Orochi and Kaido both talk about the downfall of the Kozuki Family, how Oden kept the secret from the Nine Red Scabbards, and the Orochi's spy, Kaido later leaves his room and wonders where Big Mom is. When King revealed that he was the one who summoned the Flying Six, Kaido tells them that he wanted them to meet Big Mom but says that she is still changing into her kimono. He has been caught and tortured 18 times, and people as powerful as the Marines and other Emperors have attempted to execute him 40 times, only to fail as Kaido survived every single attempt because every single execution weapon broke when being used on him. Kaido is a tan, middle-aged man who cuts an imposing figure due in equal measure to his great heightKaido's head, atop his bulky neck, is disproportionally small as well (smaller than his hands) and has a massive pair of gray-white, sharp-pointed horns come out of its sides, curving slightly to the front, then upward. Kaido also seeks to empower his crew with a powerful army and was enraged when he heard that Luffy defeated Doflamingo (the man who could provide him SMILE devil fruits). At the same time, Kaido was also interested in capturing Raizo who ended up going to Zou.
He has survived many types of torture and even execution.
He calls out to his subordinates to find his son, Yamato. Deciding to take care of Law later, Kaido departed to go drink again, annoyed that he had sobered up.When he heard that Big Mom and her crew were attempting to enter Wano, Kaido ordered his subordinates to stop them. After knocking him out, Kaido orders his men to send Luffy to his prison so that he can break the young pirate's spirit and have him work for him. Kaido is seen celebrating the Fire Festival. Kaido then states that he will make Yamato the shogun of Wano and will start the plan tonight. His subordinates tells him that Big Mom is changing into a kimono at the moment and that they will try to locate his son. She sought Kaido became mortal enemies with the Kozuki Family, as he worked with Orochi to kill To fulfill Oden's wish of opening Wano's borders, the Scabbards (except Kanjuro, who was a traitor) plotted to defeat Kaido. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. He is said to have survived countless situations where he would have been killed or executed. He tells them that if they find his son then they will have a chance of fighting All-Stars so that they can have an opportunity to become an All-Star. As Kaido looks down the stage to see what is going on, the Nine Red Scabbards appear behind him and the All-Stars. His "Raimei Hakke" can break though his enemies' defensive abilities including Luffy's Gear Fourth Haki. Kaido meets with the Flying Six, Jack, and King.