It has player and clan graphs and comparison. Of course I wanted the beta Sherman, who doesn't like free, unique, premium tanks? I may get to that point again after I finish the Swedes, but for the most part I have more premiums than I ever drive. After 5.5 years the time to stop has finally come.Time to stop collecting premium tanks, that is. The Bear KV-122 is available until October 2. It truly is a thankless job. This meant that I started the game with In the following 5.5 years I have tried my best to keep my collection complete, I was incredibly lucky to get the M60 Patton in the first campaign, which was a huge relief since it meant I might be able to keep my collection complete. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services. Come join the conversation!Press J to jump to the feed. And since I have a Liberté the game probably thinks I don't want the normal version. Your turret rotator is easily damaged which results jamming your turret and hits on your side under turret damage your ammorack. The Lorraine 40 t can be very useful as a practice tank for players that are interested in following the French light and heavy tank lines and are looking to gain some experience in playing these kinds of autoloading tanks. I never really do well with these types of tanks, so I guess it would be good practice for you really want another T-34-3 buff huh? The only ones I said no to were the black tanks but ponied up after they put that deal in for the discount for owning the original. It all started in early 2011, before the release of the game. Don't try to scout in any circumstances like you did with Just remember, support your team at the start of the battle and don't go solo, otherwise you'll end up in an early grave. I'm up to 60 or 80 premium many I have yet to's OK woe, you can always buy me more tanks also :)I have too many Gold tanks now. Jump to: The success of German and Soviet heavy tanks, like To log in, select the region where your account is registeredSpecifically, the mismatch in crew values caused by commander's 10% crew skill bonus.
The client values, given for 100% crew, will normally be taken into battle with 110% crew skill members aside from specific functions, causing their actual performance to deviate from the expected client value. It truly is a thankless job. For those that want to know the premium tanks I am currently missing, but had an acceptable chance to get: 121B; T-22 sr; AMX M4 mle. I continued with the mind-set of "I'll just be the one with the most amount of premiums them". DPM Damage Module damage Penetration Dispersion Aim time Reload time Gun elevation Gun depression Shell caliber Shell velocity Explosion radius Potential damage Top speed Reverse speed Power/weight ratio Tank traverse Turret traverse Health Weight Hull armor Turret armor Overall armor View range Stationary camo Moving camo It's pretty bad, in my humble opinion. Avoid brawling with other medium tanks. So I'm curious which tanks you have but I don't.Time for me to catch up on your collection. I opened a support ticket about this, but later friends told me that people did in fact get premium tanks they already had. Like OP, I suppose I qualify as a whale to WG.One thing I'd suggest to WG is: there are really dedicated players like myself who didn't hear about the game in time to get any of the preorder tanks, but have more than made up for it in customer loyalty since. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. I was able to buy the Pz II J back in 2012 by buying a code from a friend who had attended Gamescom.
Id over pay to get more of the rare ones just as compensation since I don't have the time for wars and such. Missing or bouncing a shot could mean you run out of ammo while fighting the enemy and you get quickly killed. It’s centered on 20th century armored fighting vehicles. I was at home when that was in the shop for maybe 2 hours so I was able to grab that. Instead what you should do, if you play this tank, is to rush to flanks, take a couple of shots, retreat, and go help out another flank. Honestly, I wouldn't buy it. There are far more viable choices available, both in the the tech tree and premium    Hop into the IS (which I didn't think was going to treat me well, but turned out to be fun as hell) or into the IS2 if you want to derp 5s. I decided to not rig that to avoid being banned and not being able to get it. The Cromwell was developed in 1941–1942 by BRC&W. This led me to believe that premium tanks which you already have cannot be dropped from the packages. I wasn't a very good player back then you see, but thankfully IDEAL accepted me as a mercenary for the first campaign.

Now onto the main topic, like others have said it is really a medium in the guise of a heavy.