0. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews ... Maybe you have encountered a bug where the game isn't registering the log as a solid object. Hallo, ich schaffe es einfach nicht das Biest vor der Kirche zu erledigen, bzw. Forum Posts. Just run around and try to stay alive for a few minutes until most of the other bugs are dead.

I have the old Last Light on PS3 and i had the same problem with the Big Bug. User Lists: 0 #1 Tenfo. The spiderbug (frequently abbreviated as spiders, Russian: Пауки) is an arachnid-like ambient creature which appears in Metro 2033 Redux, Metro: Last Light, and Metro Exodus. eine Provision vom Händler, Metro: Last Light; Bug at Church Log Crossing Tenfo.

Thanks! Also wenn du das Biest mal erledigt hast reden deine Kameraden in der Kirche mit dir und einer schiebt den Stamm wieder zum rüberlaufen hin. There is a bug during the rope swing sequence in which Pavel will mysteriously disappear, making the level impossible to be finished. Kind of sucks that I'm forced to restart the whole chapter now. Hab ne Weile pausiert. I think it starts from just before you jump onto the flat area in front of the Church.

After the mini cut scene with the big bug showing up as you cross the log my character gets completely bugged. I had a similar problem the Big Bug did not show up, so they just kept shooting the smaller bugs forever, so I restarted the chapter and it showed up and I could continue. ↑ Metro: Last Light Graphics Breakdown & GPU Performance Guide - GeForce.com ↑ Metro: Last Light PC performance thread - NeoGAF.com ↑ How to move window in Metro Last Light (windowed mode) - YouTube ↑ Windows 10 Resource Monitor ↑ Mouse pointer stutters or freezes when you play certain games in Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 They can be set back to the original after the cutscene.

Had to restart the mission over as they just stood there and didn't move the log. That worked for me. © Valve Corporation.

z.B. Try restarting the mission, PoisonApple13. Habs jetzt hinbekommen. Eine gigantische Welt mit einer Bibliotheken füllenden Geschichte, dutzende Völker, dutzende Konflikte, Magie, (...) 0. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries.

Kirche in 17#Nachteinbruch (Metro - Last Light) Hallo, ich schaffe es einfach nicht das Biest vor der Kirche zu erledigen, bzw.

I didn't expect another answer 4 years later. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Metro: Last Light, ursprünglicher Arbeitstitel Metro 2034, ist ein Ego-Shooter des ukrainischen Entwicklerstudios 4A Games für Windows, Linux, macOS, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3.

Maybe you are just missing the log.

User Lists: 0 #1 Tenfo.

If it's a technical glitch someone will be able to help you.

Bandits is the fourteenth level in Metro: Last Light. I end of standing on the shore after crawling out of the water and am completely immobilized.

Plus: Tipps zu Waffen, Dokumente, Kämpfe und Gadgets.

So annoying a game this old still not working correctly. Wiki Points.
So i can't continue my game.

All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Metro: Last Light. 0. Changing the graphic settings usually fixes the problem. Danke, werde es probieren.

They moved the log the second time. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts.

All rights reserved.
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