WoT NA – Sherman VC Firefly: Tiger Killer September 10, 2019 ~ Sebastianul The U.K. Sherman VC Firefly is very similar to the U.S. M4A3E8 Sherman tank, except for one important aspect: It packs a 17-pound British cannon that has high damage per minute, decent damage per shot, and some of the highest penetration value for its Tier.
Joe Ekins, the Sherman gunner, laid fire on moving Tigers and destroyed all three German vehicles within 12 minutes. Either way, The main trait of the Sherman VC Firefly is its classic British 17-pounder gun. Selecting another region may affect the website content. Let's check it out in detail below!Compared to the original American Sherman tanks, this vehicle has a similar armour layout, however, it's not really impressive, to say the least.
Looking at the mobility, the Premium version is different from the standard Firefly – the top speed is slightly higher but the engine power is reduced.
These differences are taken into account in tooltip boxes.Unable to match configuration for query: chassis:gb95_ekins_firefly_m4a4::top|traversespeedUnable to match configuration for query: turret:gb95_ekins_firefly_m4a4::top|armorturretfront/Unable to match configuration for query: turret:gb95_ekins_firefly_m4a4::top|armorturretside/Unable to match configuration for query: turret:gb95_ekins_firefly_m4a4::top|armorturretbackUnable to match configuration for query: turret:gb95_ekins_firefly_m4a4::stock|turrettraverseUnable to match configuration for query: turret:gb95_ekins_firefly_m4a4::top|turrettraverse However, it still remains unclear who destroyed Wittmann's tank as several British vehicles were engaged in that battle.Premium vehicle, comes elite in its stock configuration.
The British Sherman VC Firefly (A Squadron of the 1st Northamptonshire Yeomanry) was named after the Soviet town of Velikiye Luki.
Mostly the top speed, acceleration, traverse speed, as well as the rate of fire of its 17-pounder gun.
As it turned out, one of the tanks under No.
From the hedgerow of Normandy, France, to the hills of Italy and the plains of Netherlands, the Firefly was one of the few Allied tanks the Germans learned to fear… Among the most potent Allied conversion of the war, and certainly one of the deadliest version of the Sherman, it was a clever -although risky and improvised- move to try to keep up with the latest German tank developments.
What has changed? The turret armour and gun mantlet are weaker than the M4A3E8's, so hull-down tactics only work to a certain extent. Hover your cursor over the images for more information on each crew skill or perk. Joe Ekins, the Sherman gunner, laid fire on moving Tigers and destroyed all three German vehicles within 12 minutes.
Tanks rearmed with the 17-pdr gun were given the suffix C, with the resulting units being designated Sherman VC, IC and IC Hybrid. On August 8, 1944, the British organized an ambush at the edge of the wood near Saint-Aignan-de-Cramesnil and Sento. Keep this in mind when peeking over ridgelines.Hover your cursor over the images for more information on each piece of equipment. Brothers in Arms is a great perk to boost your crew's performance in general.Shows a lightbulb three seconds after you've been spotted.The higher the skill progress, the higher the effect.Increases the training level of your crew members by 5%.Works only if the skill progress has reached 100% for every single crew member.Reduces the dispersion penalty of traversing the turret.The higher the skill progress, the higher the effect.The higher the skill progress, the higher the effect.Increases the durability of your vehicle's ammo rack.Reduces the dispersion penalties of hull and turret traverse, as well as driving by 20%.Increases the training level of your crew members by 5%.Increases the camouflage value of your vehicle tremendously.
Later on, Snap Shot, as well as Smooth Ride, increase the chance of hitting your opponent while "firing from the hip".
The U.K. Sherman VC Firefly is very similar to the U.S. M4A3E8 Sherman tank, except for one important aspect: It packs a 17-pound British cannon that has high damage per minute, decent damage per shot, and some of the highest penetration value for its Tier.
The main trait of the Sherman VC Firefly is its classic British 17-pounder gun. 007 was commanded by the most successful German tank ace, Michael Wittmann, also known as "The Black Baron".
A total of 2,139 Firefly tanks were built by February 1945. The Sherman VC Firefly is a British tier 6 premium medium tank. The Firefly is also one of the few Tier VI vehicles that can be outfitted with a Vertical Stabilizer. Outside of a crew of 1 commander only, 100% crew is a fiction. Of the 600 Fireflies in service by D-Day, the vast majority were VCs, but they were eventually outnumbered two-to-one by Sherman ICs.
Jump to: To log in, select the region where your account is registeredSpecifically, the mismatch in crew values caused by commander's 10% crew skill bonus.
This special version of the Firefly doesn't only come with a new style, but also different combat parameters.
The British Sherman VC Firefly (A Squadron of the 1st Northamptonshire Yeomanry) was named after the Soviet town of Velikiye Luki.
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