Tactical and technical characteristics of the IS-7 tank. Pearl Riving Incoming!!! After initial trails, the vehicles were given to the state. It was arguably the greatest of the IS-series, and certainly on of the most formidable.

A coaxial KPVT was placed above the gun, and another such weapon was mounted on the turret roof. When you are pointing your frontal armor at an enemy you can focus on where their gun is pointing and you can adjust accordingly.

Aside from the Maus and E-100 the IS-7’s 490 damage per shell easily outclasses the standard 400-440 damage rounds other tier 10 heavy tanks have. Modules. On the other hand if a player doesn’t take into account the IS-7’s flaws the tank will feel outclassed by almost every other tier 10 tank. The IS-7 was not a flexible vehicle, and would have served only in the breakthrough role. The IS-7 also has a 1,050 horsepower engine which with its weight would lead you to believe that it is as fast as most medium tanks. The turret had an auto-loader, and infrared sights, and the sloped armor reached a line of sight thickness of 300 mm, just shy of the 330 mm of the The Armor was modulated to survive the 128 mm gun carried by the German The side armor was very complex.

In the end the IS-7 is a great tank that has mixed emotions depending on who you talk to, but the tank itself provides a great canvas for knowledgeable players to shine.Copyright - World of Tanks Guru 2011-2015 | All images, videos, and content of World of Tanks is used with express written permission by Wargaming.netSome links on WoT Guru are affiliate links. For players that can cover up the IS-7’s downfalls the tank can dominate engagements and even against skilled players can make it extremely difficult for them to destroy you. The Turret was extremely curved and low, with thickly armored cheeks. Soviet Heavy tank IS-7 (“object 260”) The tank was developed in 1948.

One can only assume how impractical these machine guns would be in combat. Only a single IS-7 remains today in the Kubinka Tank Museum. !WoT’s New?! On the other hand its poor gun handling, poor gun depression, and large frontal glacis weak spot make it difficult to master. During tests, one vehicle caught fire and was abandoned. This would drop the shell and propellant onto a conveyor, which had to be cranked to the rear of the breech. It powered the sprockets through an 8-speed planetary gearbox. He was not in service. | & Other Less Exciting Stuff!WoT’s New | Berlin Strategy | Twitch Prime Package | New Bond Shop Items?WoT’s New? The tier 10 Russian heavy tank IS-7 can either be a dominate tank on the battlefield or be dominated by the enemy tanks it faces. The IS-7 rewards players who can cover up its flaws since itis only held back by a few issues that can be looked over with a bit of planning.The IS-7 equips the 130mm S-70 gun which packs a punch with 490 damage per AP/APCR round. Cost. WHEELED TANK NERFS | Equipment Sandbox 2.0 | Update 1.10 News! 10 Year Anniversary Event Possibilities & SuperTest UpdateWoT’s New?! cannon of IS-7. The IS-7 can carry up to 30 rounds of ammunition which gives you enough wiggle round to equip enough of AP/APCR/HE to give you flexibility when facing different enemies.By now you know the IS-7’s strengths and weaknesses. This only works against tanks with less than 490 alpha since it requires the difference in damage for each round to give you the leg up on them.Alternatively you can fall back onto the IS-7’s armor to force their rounds to do no damage to you or for the enemy to stop shooting at your tank. Everything You Need to Know About Update 1.10WoT’s New?

Sadly, the gun had to be returned to a neutral position after every shot for the loader to work, which made the acquisition of moving targets difficult. If they are pointing low then you will be taking damage since they are aiming at your lower glacis and if they are aiming high then most likely they are aiming around your gun where the armor is flat. X. Knowing this you can conclude that the IS-7’s performance comes down to where you position yourself on the map and which enemies you engage. The vehicle was one of designer Shashmurin's greatest achievements. OBJECT 430U NERFS!!!! You can negate the low damage per minute by making sure you are loaded prior to engaging a tank since it will give you the edge in damage output for about 30 seconds. Behind it was the actual side armor, which was curved inwards. Crew skills. It is unknown why it was rejected, even though guesses can be made. The project was developed by the Design Bureau of the Chelyabinsk Kirov Plant starting in December 1943.

Laundry Room Edition | Gamescom | Steel Hunter Favorite TankWoT’s New!?! In short: a new Soviet rank V heavy tank in the USSR tech tree. Tier 10 tanks won’t have problems with the IS-7’s side armor but most tanks tier 9 and under will struggle unless they hit the lower side hull armor. This will allow you to damage them and even though they might have a damage per minute advantage you will be able to destroy them since they cannot damage you.Arguably the most important factor of the IS-7 is its frontal armor since it makes or breaks the tank depending on how you leverage the frontal armor. IS-7 was never accepted into production, and remained experimental. The IS-7, or Object 260, was an experimental Soviet heavy tank developed during the Cold War. IX IS-8; Competes with. It was arguably the greatest of the IS-series, and certainly on of the most formidable. Equipment Sandbox Thoughts | Polish Mediums | WoT Weekly Returns?WoT’s New | Battle Pass 2.0 | Mountain Goating Returns | Tier 10 Rebalance ThoughtsWoT’s New!