Defeat the guardian and you can also wander around this area, defeating all of the corruption eyes.

Slide the Divine Beast back and return to the ledge high above the terminal. This will free Yunobo, who you can meet as you enter the vault. Reorient the beast on the other side to activate the last terminal. However, I think the best way to defeat him is to strategically dodge one of his attacks, allowing you to do a Flurry Strike and hit him multiple times with whatever is your most powerful weapon.During this phase, Fireblight Ganon will occasionally do consecutive horizontal slashes, so be careful. Thankfully, ganon’s Blight will be illuminated, as well the eyes you need to shoot to eliminate the Blight. Drop down and take out the blight here, though you can’t quite reach the terminal. Clear them out and bring Yunobo to the next group of three Sentries and repeat the process. Shoot the eye, then drop down - but don’t tilt or you’ll be killed. Inside is a chest with a Silver Rupee and switch to unlock the door. Shoot the glowing eye to eradicate it and then climb up a bit. Right when you reach the top of the staircase, rotate the dungeon so that it is back to normal. He will also occasionally throw out a bunch of small fireballs in your direction and I would suggest quickly running away or blocking them if you have a proper shield.

His vertical slashes can be dodged by jump sideways, where as his horizontal slash can be dodged by jump over them. He’ll thank you and rush off to deliver the painkillers - letting you raid the vault for When you return to the Goron Boss Bludo, he’ll reward you for your efforts with 3 Flameproof After the flashback, Bludo will mention that Yunobo is a descendant of Daruk’s and can even use his special shielding ability - which they use to drive away the Divine Beast. Before going back inside, while the beast is tilted, go around the outside of the head to look down at the underside of the beast.

Two more Moblins guard the next cannon, but if you’re still up top with the steel boxes - why not surprise them with tons of steel crashing down from above? When he moves away, he’ll cast small fireballs at you - so be ready to strafe out of the way. Dungeon – Divine Beast Vah Rudania. Light an Also note the dried leaves along the wall behind the terminal, if you shoot a fire You’ll note the opposite terminal seems to have a large grate that goes all the way across the room. Now you can use the fourth terminal.

Use the Torch that you go from the treasure chest in this dungeon, as it has a longer burn duration, so you can complete this puzzle in one shot.Light the torch using one of the torches on the first floor and then rotate the dungeon. I would suggest running behind a pillar to avoid taking damage. Place the Sheikah Slate on the terminal to activate it.With the dungeon rotated 90 degrees, there is now a massive staircase leading to a higher floor. Just beside one of the torches there is a door that is closed, but there is a hole right in the middle of the door. After half of his health is gone, it will transition to the second phase of the battle.This second phase of Fireblight Ganon is actually somewhat easier. Follow the grate outside to see that it leads to a sphere trapped behind a gate, and an unlit brazier is nearby.

One features a receptacle for a ball, while the other is sealed behind a door with a large wooden plank and a lot of dry leaves. Rotate the dungeon so it is on its side again, and this will cause the ball to roll down the staircase. However, as he brings in power, he’s vulnerable to you throwing a Remote Bomb in his direction - detonate it when he sucks it in so you can break his shield and lay into him with your When his fire shield breaks, he’ll resume his regular attacks - augmented by his fire. Run up the staircase to get outside. Tilt the beast, then move the block back, and use stasis on the metal block while you tilt it once more so the sphere can empty out into the receptacle. You'll … The blue arrow can burn down the vines as well.You can now use Magnesis to open the door and you’ll find the 4th Terminal just beyond. Then aim through the hole and shoot the torch, causing the door to open.There is a wall of flames in this room, preventing us from crossing. Tilt the Beast back onto its belly and look for a sealed door to spy an unlit brazier on the other side.

Skip to - The Boss; Video Guide: DIvine Beast Vah Rudania Dungeon. What you will need to is hold out the arrow next to the blue flame and the flame will transfer to the arrow.

Use your Magnesis Rune to send them crashing into the sentries, and keep moving to the one guarding a tiny ravine. When the Moblins are out of the way, bring Yunobo in for a final cannon ball attack. He will now float higher above and you will no longer be able to hit him with your sword. This is both a bad and a good thing, as though he does more damage and leaves a fire trail, the fire creates gusts you can use to paraglide above him and go in for a slowdown snipe at his eye. While he’s flying around the room, you can now use any projectile, including arrows as well as just launch items at him. Dungeon - Divine Beast Vah Rudania. They won’t be precisely on target so you’ll have to detonate while changing the canon position. Run ahead and you’ll see an unlit torch. Speaking of which, Bludo will send you to speak with Yunobo out by On the other side, note the minecart - which you can use Stasis on and smack a bunch to give you a ride. Vah Rudania is the divine beast waiting for you in the foreboding volcano known as Death Mountain in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. When he is charging up his fireball attack, he is sucking all the first from the air. Leave Yunobo behind and scale the rocks to the left to find a set of metal crates.

Inside, a jet of flame blocks your path, but look up at the ceiling for dried leaves blocking something. Once you arrive, you will see that it is scorching hot. This is also important if he tries to use his eye to fire a laser blast like a Guardian, as a shot to the eye will stun him.
Shoot a Fire Arrow at the vines above and it will burn the vines as well as the wooden plank. With the map of the Divine Beast, you’ll also have Try tilting the beast, and note how the dungeon shifts, and that the terminal ends up on a small island, with a ledge high above.