Thank you for making a great game, and I hope this could be implemented for the Leopard 2s now and in the future. The vehicle sports significantly better all-round chemical protection, with an upper hull and turret essentially immune to all but the most powerful ATGMs frontally, with upwards of 800mm worth of equivalent protection in places. Die Leopard 2A4 ist leicht erkennbar an der schrägen Frontpanzerung, die leicht erhöhten Motordeck und sein langen, rechteckigen Revolver Design. A historically accurate arrangement for a T-64/80. As the Leopard 2A4 moves away from relying on thin yet sloped spaced armor to using a composite solution of far greater effectiveness, it’s able to more often reliably deal with incoming enemy fire than the 2K. What do you think about the Leopard 2A4? I personally don't know if it's a hassle to implement this kind of function in to the game, but i'd also like to explain that, without this function it would probably not have the reloadspeed it currently has. This allows for an active, aggressive playstyle, using the Leopard's high speed and good acceleration characteristics to get into an early flanking position or take early cap points - though it is important to keep in mind that opposition forces might attempt the same. Die Leopard 2A4 ist ein relativ altes Mitglied der world-famous Leopard MBT Familie. This means that Leopard 2A4 drivers will have to coordinate their efforts with allied SPAA drivers in order to stay safe from aerial attacks.The Leopard 2A4 will be charging the top tier ground battles of War Thunder with the release of the upcoming major update 1.79. The Leopard 2A4 has a maximum reverse speed of 31 km/h which it reaches easily, allowing for a quick retreat in sub-optimal situations. Until then, tankers! Good job!Ouiche, THANK YOU, I WANT TO THANK YOU 1000 TIMES!! Adding this feature may make the game more authentic in a historical way but it really is not needed, SIM is maybe an exception. Whilst the Leopard 2K offered a devastating roof-mounted 20mm autocannon for use against unsuspecting aerial targets, the 2A4 is only equipped with two rifle-caliber machine guns, one mounted coaxially and the other on top of the turret. BUT, if you want a different shell, it would take longer for the carousel to pass all of the type of shells you were using, and get to HEAT or HE. With a recent Update 1.991 devblog it has been confirmed that both IR and thermal sights will be implemented as a new game play feature. Das Fahrzeug fehlt auch jede Verbundschutz an den Seiten oder der Rückseite des Rumpfs. Well it's up to the developers of the game anyway, I hope to see this feature implemented to make the game more realistic. Reverse the situation with a tank that can reload it's gun in any position and i know that i don't want this feature in the game. I am fairly certain the ‘MZ’ autoloader on the T-64A and B, as well as on the T-80s, take 7.1 seconds approximately to load the next shell in the carousel. Es Sport die üblichen Merkmale eines Leopard MBT, die eine Mischung aus großer Mobilität ist, einen guten Schutz und eine ausgezeichnete Feuerkraft. Capable of taking hits and remaining combat operational allows the Leopard 2A4 to take on a much more central role in combat, being able to get into the thick of the fighting with favorable odds of coming out of it victorious.However, better armor protection usually comes at the expense of weight. I'm aware that some armies do things differently, in the Bundeswehr i've seen a lot of loaders doing something called "lap-load" which basically means, you take out one round and hold it in your hands/lap and wait to reload. I would hate to have an enemy in my sights, gun still works horizontally but because i can't point the gun upwards to reload i can't do anything. These modernization efforts mostly involved the upgrading of internal modules such as the aiming and communications systems. The autoloader’s carousel has 28 rounds in it’s first order rack. Reverse the situation with a tank that can reload it's gun in any position and i know that i don't want this feature in the game. well the idea itself is good but i highly doubt the leo will get a faster reload than 5 sek.

Then in modifications, you can unlock different belt options, say a belt most Russian players will actually want: so how can Noobrams get 5s reload? My personal record of loading the tank while on the move was about 6,5 seconds, and the loader I had after me was slightly faster doing it at around 6 seconds on the move. ... Ссылки на статьи War Thunder Wiki, которые по вашему мнению, будут полезны читателю. I would hate to have an enemy in my sights, gun still works horizontally but because i can't point the gun upwards to reload i can't do anything.
Considering the above, a Leopard 2A4 player should utilise its great mobility and competitive gun to get into early positions to pick off unsuspecting targets, rather than attempting to engage opposing forces head-on. Do Broni [DoBro]