But those vehicles like the Stormer (but also the Roland and FlaRakPz) have the sight centered between the missiles. Apart from that they should also fix the maps and the overall map design for MBTs. This was probably deliberate by Gaijin, afterall this is the 3rd best Sam and as such is probably over performing so a nerf was added to keep things "balanced" I have had it happen quite a few times, and it shows the radar track following the curve of the flare as it falls. Playing mainly the US or UK you almost always face Germany with USSR....Can you look at the nation Match Making and start to allow more historical accurate teams like UK and Germany Vs. USSR? Doesn't make sense to me.... The warhead of these missiles being three dart kinetic impactors, each of them carry a small amount of explosive mass which ensure guaranteed target destruction after penetration.Fun fact: Currently, the Alvis Stormer HVM system is still in service with the British Army and its production continues. You can say one thing about the Stormer: getting kills with it sure feels more rewarding than with other SAM's, as it's more of a challenge... ;-) Targeting device should be able to do the rest for you.
In 1975 on the base of this armoured personnel carrier, the self-propelled anti-tank missile system FV102 Striker was created. In the mid-1980’s it became clear that supersonic aircraft and strike helicopters proved to be dangerous against ground troops. No War Thunder, o sistema antiaéreo Alvis Stormer HVM será apenas o primeiro sistema de mísseis antiaéreos da Grã-Bretanha, mas o mais moderno e único no jogo. So in some way the USSR and Germans are historical.
second missile 'hit'. War Thunder. Starstreak range seems to be screwed again detonating under 7km The Stormer HVM will be the worthy and long-awaited answer to any air threat! The Stormer HVM was the pinnacle of armoured vehicle and AA armament development by the UK. Quickly spin turret into the direction of the hostile plane, as seen on the radar display, and press lock-on as soon as your turret pointer hits them.
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Each one of them can be approximately counted as 105 mm HE with reduced shrapnel amount. Do Broni [DoBro] I'll have to find the replay, but a Ka-50 popped his flares, and my tracking immediately followed the flares as he maneuvered away. Remember, you cannot fire on move, so if they will also notice you and have actual guns, the tables will turn immediately. Lovely looking model by the way. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Well, hell, who am I kidding: Yes, I want to brag! The Stormer HVM is Proof Gaijin's BR balancing is arbitrary Sign in to follow this . As before, it can only take punishment from the front and it's best to avoid anything more serious than autocannon armed light tanks or KPz-70, since most 9.0+ tanks have at least 100 mm gun along with their coaxial weapons… A good plane or heli pilot can hope to....maybe dodge a single, maybe two SAMs? While they have a significantly shorter range than radar and cannot tell the range towards target until specifically locked onto it, they can tell which targets are friendly and do not target them, or at least specifically mark them as "friendly".
A close range anti-aircraft missile system on a mobile platform is an ideal combination to cover the ground troops.Briefly: The Stormer HVM is one of the most modern and unusual anti-aircraft missile systems in the game. In War Thunder the Alvis Stormer HVM anti-aircraft missile system will be the first anti-aircraft system for Great Britain! In case of the enemy plane escaping your system's grasp, you still can hit the "maximum zoom" button and try to chase it with missiles manually. There is no benefit in powering it down as of now. Atleast we should get free MM without forced coalitions like UK+US and GER+ITA.Looks amazing! I really wish I had recorded this but unfortunately the replays don't show 'hits' or 'crits'... just had a Mig19 flying perpendicular to me... first missile 'hit'.