In the garage, head left. Continue out onto the long, empty platform beyond, and follow along the northern edge. findet. Take the right path past Megatone record store, and you’ll see a neon sign that reads VR. Inside and on the table in the back is another readable. Head under the stairs through the door. Wolfenstein: Youngblood has six kinds of collectibles scattered throughout every one of its maps.In this guide, we’ll show you how to find every concept package in every area. Concept #16 - Props, pt. Check the desk in the back corner for a UVK Cover. Jump up and shoot the padlock peeking through the ajar door. This concept is in a crate that can be found in the small room of the flats. On the table across from the next elevator is another Floppy Disk which you'll automatically collect as part of the Open the docking station at 3A instead of going inside again. It’s not pictured below because it was already collected. Continue to the room in the back. In front of the mech and computer in the next room is another Floppy Disk. An indication is a guitar and the hammock next to it. When you reach the third and final round room, climb up and over the roof. Head to the prison area of Lab X in the northwest of the Dissection Labs. This crate is on top of a light fixture at the west end of the room.Climb up to the ledges on the west side of the street-level courtyard to find this Gestapo crate.In the tunnels north of the Protostar Lab, this Gestapo crate is in the first room you come to.Digging into new comics from DC, Marvel, and beyond Um Wolfenstein: Youngblood auf 100% abzuschließen und die Platin Trophäe zu erhalten, braucht ihr auch alle Sammelobjekte. There are tons of these concept art pages, and while they don’t provide any real in-game benefits, they’re one of the most interesting collectibles available.Who doesn’t want to see how New Orleans, Manhattan, and all the other locations looked in early artwork? Diese einzelnen Sammelerstücke braucht ihr für folgende Trophäen/Erfolge.Die mit Stern (*) markierten Felder sind Pflichtfelder.Wolfenstein Youngblood der Guide zu allen SammlerstückenWolfenstein Youngblood: Alle Sammlerstücke und Fundorte im Guide Eines der am schwersten zu beschaffenden Sammlerstücke sind die Concept-Art-Pakete, die kann nur in roten Kisten gefunden werden, die durch vier Zahlencodes geschützt sind.

On the right, there’s a cassette. Behind that building (to your left) is an alleyway. There are three Concept Package collectibles in Little Berlin, labeled 4-6 in the Collectibles menu. There are two Concepts Arts you can find in the Detention Area. Gestapo crates are full of silver you can invest into upgrading weapons and unlocking bonus content like concept art. Once you cross the water and enter up a few flights upstairs you’ll reach a room with a few computers, a terminal, and a bridge leading across to the other side. Nach der Veröffentlichung von Wolfenstein: Youngblood haben Spieler die beeindruckende Anzahl von Sammlerstücken auf der ganzen offenen Welt des Spiels gejagt. To the left of the elevator check the small shelves with the bags and you'll find a 3D glasses. This Gestapo crate and Concept Package are on the east end of that bridge.Head into the building attached to the south side of the data tape stacks. In the back of the control rooms is a pair of 3D Glasses. After the second tower, turn right and use Dieselkraftwerk to knock down a staircase. The alleyway doglegs, and there’s a door blocked by horizontal red bars. Soldier has other meanings. Drop down and head for the cage on the side of the room. Interact with the clock to open a secret door down the hallway. Drop into the area underneath this warehouse/battlefield. There’s a building to your left. Jump up behind the sign there to find this crate.On the main floor of the archive, this Gestapo Crate is on the west side under some stairs.There are five Concept Packages in Lab X. They’re labeled 21-25 in the Collectibles menu, and we’ll use that numbering below. Head inside to find Concept Package 7.In the northeast of the Outpost on the second floor, find the room with bunkbeds where you pick up Readable 37. Look for one on the second level of the stacks that has an ajar door. Arkane Studios, MachineGames/Bethesda Softworks via Polygon This crate is in that tunnel.In the lobby, look for a ledge over the big garage door that leads back to the canal along the west wall. After the release of Wolfenstein: Youngblood players have been hunting the impressive number of collectibles scattered all around the game's open world. They’re labeled 11-13 in the Collectibles menu, and we’ll use that numbering below. You’ll need to find and decrypt On the rooftop, head out onto the landing pad on the left (west) side. To the right of the elevator is a door that you need to open with the Laserkraftwerk.

Once you exit the elevator, turn to the left and head to the left, instead of taking the stairs, to reach the garage. They’re labeled 9 and 10 in the Collectibles menu, and we’ll use that numbering below. Melt down the door. That’s your destination.