A third F-4C skin. Prizes for commanders leaderboard at the end of the season. +10% SL/RP booster for all allies. Every action by every player – capturing a point in battle or destroying an opponent in a duel, every team victory or loss – will affect the situation on the World War map. thanks to the comrade at Gaijin! but hey what do i know right?Dude are you really tried to be passive aggressive for Gaijin not including a skin you upload Yesterday??? Join us Random wager. make the skins reasonably priced, cause some skinds have prices that are just insanevery good skins that come in this battle trophy, ty guys! Congrats to all involved and I am humbled to be included. There are 13 Trophies that can be earned in this title. The "Night Vision" trophy drops periodicity (with a specific probability) in random battles of all modes (except for the cooperative PvE “Assault” and “World War” modes). my sincere thanks guys! The 40 new camouflages, crafted by their respective Get unique camouflages by simply playing the game. I'm sick of this continuous push to the "store" when they can be sold in game for GE still making Gaijin a profit!Honestly, I'm very happy being able to use some of these User-skins within the game formally. Am I the only one who thinks that given the fact that 1.93 didn’t see a skin box, there should be two skins for the F-4C and any other vehicles that came with 1.91? A player does not have to activate an achievement to start it. Now, you don’t need to exchange vouchers on one of three camo types (regular, uncommon, or rare). We are pleased to introduce the update 1.87 "Locked on!" It brings a small bit more of life to the vehicles.After some time there will likely be a trophy mountain in the market place with 50,000+ trophies for sale at 0.10 each.

The game is based around combined arms battles on air, land, and sea with vehicles from the Spanish Civil War to today. I will look for yours in the meantime. After seing in what way these events developed in the time since the market was released, I honestly don't believe that this will ever be available for the entire War Thunder community. because dont exist in live.wt bro, today is that I uploaded it to live.warthunder the IAF skinVota_piedra, Cool. Activate the trophy coupons for your vehicles, or trade them on the market for Gaijin Coins!The "Night Vision" trophy drops periodicity (with a specific probability) in random battles of all modes (except for the cooperative PvE “Assault” and “World War” modes).The minimum requirements to earn the trophy will be to participate in a battle, in a vehicle of rank III or higher, while achieving a battle-activity of at least 50%.Along with the new trophy, two old ones will also have the chance to drop, but the probability of obtaining the new trophy is much higher.For PlayStation 4® and Xbox One players, the key and trophy will be available for Golden Eagles in the in-game item shop.In other words, you can not only spend here, but also earn money!

The landing in Normandy opened the Western front in Europe and brought the anti-Hitler coalition significantly closer to Victory in World War II. For all legal matters, please contact — However it also saddens me to see that again some skinners have multiple skins while other talented skinners have been left out. It helps reinforcing the community and makes it more fair.This is the most underwhelming box yet. All trademarks are the property of their respective owners. I understand that certain subjects are harder to come by (ships), but can we maybe put a limit of '1 skin per skinner per box'? World War is a special mode where War Thunder squadrons go into battle to fight for world domination.

Still, We do not favor anyone.Please put a strict Maximum price in for all items in the market place to stop profiteering... 1000 Euro for a tanks is robbery and needs to be stoppedthw max price should be based on an equivalent tier premium for gold in the game... this would make it fairMarch_or_Die, That defeats the entire point of them being rare. The "Northern Wind" trophy drops periodicity (with a specific probability) in random battles in all modes (except for the cooperative PvE “Assault” and “World War” modes). The best 10 commanders — coupon for M60 AMBT. Don't be such a pretentious prick lmaoHclly, sure I do, never said I didnt every skin of mine is made from ground up based on the real aircraft and done in 8k and is well earned to be in it. The minimum requirements to earn the trophy will be to participate in a battle, in a vehicle of rank III or higher, while achieving a battle-activity of at least 50%. The 40 new camouflages, crafted by their respective Get unique camouflages by simply playing the game.