Based on the worldwide franchise of the same name, it saw fifteen HouseGuests competing to win the show's grand prize. BBCAN is now cursed with the typical Canadian tv ratings drop and likely won't last long enough to get an actual internationals season. No nomination ceremony was held for the final eviction, as the nominees were the losers of the Final HoH competition. Click the link below to see what others say about Big Brother Canada: Season 5! There is no game, there is no Big Brother because you can't play a "game" when someone has cheated already.If Neda and Kevin made an alliance pre-game, why only ban Kevin? 2 years ago. This is the equivalent of an "oh fuck" moment for producers.

Ouch.To be honest, I think the success of last year had to do with the internationals twist. “Big Brother” registered a big jump from last weekend to easily top the Sunday TV ratings race.

Arguably less Sindy, but she only became a target week 1 because people remembered her name and it was an instant nom.But if you take into consideration Canada has 1/10th the population of The USA, and that the USA version has gotten <7 million since BB14, it's actually more successful than the USA version as of late.I've thought about this too! They have inside knowledge of the game already, so that's technically cheating too. That made last year a must-see (for me at least) because seeing international all stars in our house was sort of strange and exciting and I definitely want to see it happen again in a much larger scale.I don't think people like Neda and Gary returning and those "I'm back bitches" ads resonated with Canadians because the majority of Canadians never saw the first 2 seasons since they were on for-pay cable instead of a free over-the-air national network like it is now.And I absolutely do not get production picking the most returnees from arguably the worst season of the Canadian edition (S3).

I personally don't care if they made said alliance. With Arisa Cox, Kevin Martin, Bruno Ielo, Neda Kalantar. I bet alums do this all the time, either hypothetically or in actuality.

I'm about over this season. :/ The only redeeming thing for this season is if that crazy bitch Karen manages to win this fucking thing. Which is perfect because Big Brother and Survivor are my favourite shows!Uhh, there aren't enough people cutting the cord to account for the viewers they've lost.It is kind of stupid how you have to pay money to watch advertisements.These numbers sound bad but I believe they are right on par for Canadian television.I read an article recently that said Amazing Race Canada is the highest rated Canadian tv show (including scripted Canadian programs) with nearly 2 million viewers, followed by MasterChef Canada with 1.4.The drop sucks (I can't blame viewers for leaving either) but BB Can is still likely in the top 5 most watched Canadian television programs.As a Canadian, I would not be happy to see a minority of Canadians in the house and especially the thought of them all being voted out early and the season being left with a house full of internationals. (i cant remember if it was renewed or not)And the one thing that absolutely pissed me off was hearing about certain people making an alliance pre-show.That's against the rules. It usually goes from good->mediocre, but BB7 was the other way around.I personally hate having it on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. They need to get their shit together for next year.When producers are out of touch with the fan base, this is what happens. At the Nomination Ceremony, the HoH will pull the first key from the wall and declare that HouseGuest as safe. ~1/33 Canadians watch whereas ~1/65 Americans watch.As an American, Canada does have some good tv. It makes for boring feeds and adds nothing to the game. If both are a part of it, by your logic both are guilty and both should be banned.Not that I'd want to ban either of them. HouseGuests are sequestered in the Big Brother House without contact with the outside world. I can only watch so much NCIS/Criminal Minds (and their spin offs) before it's just dull, and yall switch some stuff up. Literally every reality show only lasts around 4-6 seasons in this country.Also, 18% is not a small amount. Its been done before and the results are almost always bad.

It is the first English adaption of the series to be held in Canada, although all seasons of the North American edition have been broadcast in the country.
Houseguests Share Their Thoughts on BBCAN8 Ending April 3, 2020 'Big Brother Canada' Host Arisa Cox Reacts To S8 Production Shutdown April 2, … If the major networks here would start having some of those shows, it'd help yall with ratings, and give me quality tv to watch. And then on top of that, picking people with the personality of a doorknob (Dillon and Emily). Sequester exists for a reason.Premade alliances defeats the entire purpose of even watching the show to see how alliances play out. Luckily I am able to get a single channel on my rabbit ears: Global. Uhh, there aren't enough people cutting the cord to account for the viewers they've lost. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcutsCookies help us deliver our Services.