This project is not affiliated nor associated with NCSOFT Corporation, NCJapan K.K. Aion EU Gameforge; all languages; normal or Steam installation

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; Follow the prompts to install the program. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Create your account and play Aion America by clicking here We advise you to download our complete and clean client so that it works perfectly! Download and Install Aion America through Launcher Quoi de neuf Nouveaux messages Nouveaux messages de profil Dernières activités. It’s nothing to worry about, though, just one more thing running in the background that doesn’t need to be. Get assistance on technical, account, payment or in-game issues from our customer support team.

Become a hero in AION: charge into thrilling combat, on ground or in the air, battle against other players or in the fight against some mighty monsters.

Lancez Aion via Steam. There is a newer launcher than the one the game used a couple years ago.There is no more of that God-forsaken Pando Media Booster either but the NCUpdater is there, presumably the replacement for the univerally-hated Pando, but you can just shut it off after the game starts and it’s fine. En désactivant avast ça marche.ElvenInferno Afficher le profil Voir les messages.

; Right-click on the nc-launchersetup.exe and select Run as Administrator.

This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Any update on the launcher?Is it stil the same? Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

I’d play right now if the Laucher was less, intrusive sounding. Weekly Server Maintenance – February launchher,6: Toutes les marques déposées sont la propriété de leurs détenteurs respectifs aux États-Unis et dans d’autres pays. Create a Folder named Aion Epic and extract the files inside the folder.

Except where otherwise specified, the contents of this project is subject to copyright.Aion™ is a registered trademark of NCSOFT Corporation.© 2009 NCSOFT Corporation. Membres Membres inscrits Visiteurs actuels Nouveaux messages de profil.

What I’d love to know is if the old laucher got an update, beauce while I really did love the game, I ehh I didnt lzuncher the launcher that much.Afficher le profil Voir les messages.

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Why can’t they just change it to something that starts and stops when the game ends.I think they may have done away with even the NCUpdater now. Weekly Server Maintenance – February launchher,6: Toutes les marques déposées sont la propriété de leurs détenteurs respectifs aux États-Unis et dans d’autres pays.Certaines données géographiques de ce site sont fournies par geonames.This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website.

So you might have some problem if Aion is installed in an admin restricted folder like To know when there is a new update this launcher scrap the gameforge http update server.Because we are scrapping to find the last available version, it might take a while.But this wasn't for nothing: playing (first time) with wireshark and node net.socket for this allowed me to Software provided here is to be use at your own risk.

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This repository has been archived by the owner. I remeber how prietty this game was, and how much fun it was to play!However the goold old NCSoft launcher gave me a bit of a hard time, and I do remeber that it had some kinda NCupdater program or something it ran in the background and it did prompt me for permission when I booted up my computer kinda freaked me out the frist time I saw it. – Feel free to play BattleKnight - Speed Server now available!

No copyright or trademark infringement is intended by using third-party resources. Aion Epic Launcher Download.

The Tower of AION™, AION™ is a trademark of NCSOFT Corporation. UAC prompts screw up alot of things for me, which makes games that require it I don’t see why any of them should quite unappealing.