Create New Account. There should also be student parties. Berlin & Hamburg This is the concept of the new operators on Maximilianstrasse.

27,689 people like this. Create New Account. Gleis 8 Endlich Rezensionen »›Endlich‹ klingt schön aufgelöst und raumgreifend.« (Audio, März 2016) »Doch gerade dieser Wechsel zwischen fetzigem Power-Pop und melancholischen Balladen dürfte die Halbwertszeit dieses A… Gleis 8 on the web. or. Wir sind fleißig am Proben und scharren schon mächtig mit den Füßen ;-) Zur Einstimmung könnt ihr euch jetzt unseren kleinen Tourtrailer anschauen. Not Now.

"The style in the club was to be retained, so we adapted and refined the elements of steampunk," she says. Massive search in Mönchengladbach
It is always open on Fridays and Saturdays from 10 pm to 6 am. Gleis 8 GLEIS 8 is a member of Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.

Here the operators want to try something new: "We want to design electronic parties completely in the style of a festival and thus give the visitor a new party feeling with suitable decoration," says Hadzic. The Kottenforst discussion continues "Bleibt Das Immer So" Tour 2013 - Tickets:►Das neue Album "ENDLICH" jetzt überall erhältlich ! Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. A room was transformed into a carriage with seating compartments.

2020 Gleis 8 Event Schedule When you are looking for one of the most exciting concert events, look no further than Gleis 8! Nur noch 7 Tage und die Tour beginnt! Allet Liebe & Moin Moin, Gleis 8 Massive search in Mönchengladbach Taking a seat in the new club (from left): Sanela Hadzic, Martin Kläser and Willi Schulz. The previous owner Guido Hupfer (50) and the three new owners already knew each other from the Carpe Noctem. Gleis 8, for example, will primarily address niche events, as Hadzic explains: "We want to give the subcultures in Bonn the chance to celebrate parties," she says. or. Hier findest Du aktuelle Tourdaten, TV- und Radio-Termine von Gleis 8 und kannst direkt Tickets bestellen.

Gleis 8 Lyrics (de) Official Homepage; MBID.

Of course, Gleis 8 is known for the live entertainment, so this is not an event that you want to miss! AnNa R., Timo Dorsch, Manne Uhlig und Lorenz Allacher († 08.10.2014) Heimatstadt.

Log In. Rund zwei Monate vor dem Viaduktfest lüftet die Gemeinde ein erstes Geheimnis. Sign in to get statistics ... Nobody has seen Gleis 8 live yet! The focus was much more on the design, says Hadizic.

Artist Manfred Dimon, who was also responsible for the backdrops at Phantasialand and "Babylon Berlin", was involved in the design. Last updated: 28 Apr 2020, 10:25 Etc/UTC.

Allet Liebe & Moin Moin iTunes Amazon Thus the Fachschaften Geodesy and Medicine celebrate their semester opening in Gleis 8.The name of the club is derived from its proximity to the main railway station and from house number 8. "So anyone who has great events is welcome to contact us," says Hadzic. "I didn't have the time anymore to take care of the Sofa because of my technical company," says Hupfer. Sanela Hadzic (35), Willi Schulz (47) and Martin Kläser (32) from Carpe Noctem did not have to change much of the old restaurant, as it was in good condition. "Besides, the Carpe Noctem is in the immediate vicinity, which guarantees good organization," says Hadzic.The initial plan is to run for three years. Hupfer himself could only rarely be in the Sofa and had therefore decided to sell the club. The Kottenforst discussion continues Get Gleis 8 setlists - view them, share them, discuss them with other Gleis 8 fans for free on! GLEIS 8 empfanden sich selbst vor zwei Jahren noch als unbeschriebenes Blatt – sie mussten ja erst noch herausfinden, wo die Reise hingeht. The Sofa at the main station is history, long live Gleis 8: This place is intended to create a new venue for niche events. Zum Auftakt von Vivat Viadukt 2017 spielt am Freitagabend die deutsche Popband Gleis 8, neue Band von AnNa R., vormals Sängerin des über alle Maßen erfolgreichen Popduos Rosenstolz. Missing six-year-old wanted to visit his granny's graveNew to Bonn: Vinothek Neun and the Restaurant Casbah See actions taken by the people who manage and post content.Mannmannmann, die Aufregung steigt! "We didn't think long and accepted directly. Gang suspected to have provoked accidents and collected insurance money 26,632 people follow this.