These 'Turns Remaining' are a rough estimate, and research will not always be done on time. Each tier leads to the next higher up with no pre-requisites existing for certain technologies. Gamepedia and Wargaming Labs are excited to present the Official Master of Orion Wiki, a growing resource for learning about … Only by conquering Orion, or by capturing Antaran ships can this be acquired.

As a result, the tech tree is more transparent and goals are more easily set. In that case, only one field and tier can be researched, but upon completion, the race will gain all the items in that particular tier. Boarding actions may also consist of raids which are intended to damage as many ship systems as possible. The number of RPs generated per population unit assigned is based on racial factors and colony buildings. If a player spreads his race out too thinly between many planets he will be overtaken quickly by the opponents. Additionally, until the very end stages of the game, colonies are required to refuel spacecraft, who can only travel a certain radius from previously established colonies or outposts. Sign In. Races with the Telepathic trait may Mind Control a colony if they have a combat ship of Cruiser-class or larger, which automatically transfers full control of the colony without the need for invasion. Research in Master of Orion II differs from the first game is several ways. In addition, the tech tree in the game does not branch. Food is required for population growth. Each unit of population (1 million colonists) produces a certain amount of RPs or Research Points when assigned as researchers. While there are other methods of acquiring tech, research is a fundamental aspect of empire growth. Your main goal within Master of Orion is to eliminate all other races and become leader of the galaxy, colonizing, attacking and spying on other races to eliminate them. Boarding actions are available provided the enemy ship is immobilized and the attacking ship is within two grid squares, or, with the Teleporters equipment, the enemy's facing shield is down and the attacking ship is within fifteen grid squares. Therefore, a player does not need to redistribute RPs throughout the different fields. You can also win the game by making alliances with all of the other races, however on higher difficulties certain personality traits start appearing within players more commonly, making it harder to negotiate with them. Special troop transports are required to stage planetary invasions from orbit; these transports are defenseless in space unless accompanied by a combat unit. The likelihood of achieving a breakthrough at 5 turns remaining is very low, but the chances increase exponentially as scientists near completion. Uncreative races on the other hand are given less technology to research and may skip tiers entirely. Hyper advanced tech can be researched forever, but the RP cost does multiply exponentially with each tier. There are three tiers of research buildings (each generating 5, 10 or 15 research points and adding 1, 2 or 3 RPs per population unit), all acting cumulatively with each other. Research in Master of Orion II is the basis of acquiring technology in the game. However, the game has no defined plot and no backstory. But if there were 2 population units assigned, the colony might output 11 (5 on its own, 2 per population unit, assuming that each unit produced one RP/turn).
Research in Master of Orion II is the basis of acquiring technology in the game. The main plot of the game is about you trying to conquer the rest of the races in the galaxy- henceforth becoming the "Master of Orion". Players must manage the population of their colonies, divying it up into producing food, industry, or research. Starlords is affectionately named The official game was released on September 6, 1993. Each tier has two or three separate items (and in some cases, one or four). Each tier has an associated RP cost.

It is best to build strong defenses slowly if anything. Gamepedia and Wargaming Labs are excited to present the Official Master of Orion Wiki, a growing resource for learning about the game’s civilizations, galaxies, and more. This page was last edited on 27 October 2016, at 17:30. From Encyclopedia Gamia Archive Wiki, your source for walkthroughs, games, guides, and more! For example, the Stellar Converter is one of the largest weapons in the game (and also the most powerful). On the colony management screen, a player can assign his populace to three different areas; farming, industry or research. From Encyclopedia Gamia Archive Wiki, your source for walkthroughs, games, guides, and more! #3. legalize freedom!

These RPs are used to research technology.

As the latest entry into the legendary franchise, MoO features vast galaxies, all ten original races, and a fully orchestrated score. (Redirected from Master of Orion 2) Jump to: navigation, search

Technology plays a big factor in how advanced and prepared the civilizations are. Help . When a project is assigned, a counter begins ticking down turns remaining on the right hand side of the screen (where total RPs are displayed). Orbital defense platforms remain in a fixed position near the planet that constructed them.

In the case of the Research Lab, the building itself produces 5 research points, and an additional point per population unit assigned to research.
Once an item is selected, RPs are automatically allocated towards that cost. While this does eliminate some nuances present in the original game, it more tightly focuses research. Boarding actions are resolved automatically based upon infantry equipment once they are initiated. Larger planets offer a higher maximum population than smaller worlds of the same type. Within 5 turns of expected completion, a random die roll (with an attached percentage) is used to determine if a breakthrough will occur that turn. Register. Building research oriented structures such as the Research Lab on colonies produce two effects.