During a After failing to find the Fountain of Youth, Sparrow arrives in London only to learn someone is gathering a crew by using his name. With the destruction of the Trident, Salazar and his crew become mortal again. Category:Jack Sparrow's crew | PotC Wiki | Fandom. Jack Sparrow est l'un des personnages principaux de la saga Pirates des Caraïbes. The robbery is a success, but all the gold in it had fallen while they were dragging the locker, and Sparrow's crew abandons him. « Que ce jour reste dans vos mémoires comme celui où vous avez failli capturer le capitaine Jack Sparrow ! Jack, Henry and Carina escape as Barbossa sacrifices himself to kill Salazar. Later, Jack watches Will and Elizabeth's reunion before he departs, the According to screenwriters Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio, Sparrow is a Though a skilled swordsman, Sparrow prefers to use his superior intelligence during combat, exploiting his environment to turn the tables on his foes, reasoning "Why fight when you can negotiate?"

Captain Jack Sparrow commanded a number of crews, pirate or otherwise, during his lifetime as a sailor. Please practice hand-washing and social distancing, and check out our resources for adapting to these times. Nachdem sie alle 882 aztekischen Goldmedaillons für Essen, Getränke und „amüsante Gesellschaft“ ausgegeben haben, fallen sie unter den Jack Sparrow und seine Crew machen sich zu neuen Abenteuern auf, die ein Jahr dauern. Remembering Elizabeth and Will from his previous misadventures, Jack agrees but not before expressing some hesitation. So, then, who among you thinks ye has what it takes to join Captain Jack's ruddy crew?" Sparrow is introduced seeking to regain his ship, the Depp's performance won acclaim from film critics. 05-nov-2011 - Captain Jack Sparrow & his crew - Pirates of the Caribbean. "You seek the legend. der Gäste auf Zahngold, Geld, Gold, Schmuck, ...!Nach einer aufregenden Piraten der Karibik, mitten unter Ihren Gästen! Disney Attractions . As the Dutchman fails to defeat Jack Sparrow, the crew of the Pearl celebrates as the moment is interrupted when the Kraken prepares to attack; it turns out that the Kraken is only searching for Jack. Die Crew operiert auf allen Sieben Meeren, insbesondere in der Karibik und bemannt das Schiff in vielen Abenteuern. The crew of the Black Pearl was a pirate crew that served aboard the infamous pirate ship known as the Black Pearl. Légendaire seigneur pirate et filou des océans, Jack est un capitaine charismatique et imprévisible qui fait sa propre chance. After encountering dangerous mermaids, Barbossa, and the Spanish Navy, Sparrow locates the Fountain of Youth. Schatzsuche begeben sich die Piraten in ihr verstecktes Lager, um sich Feuershow Vorführungen, dem Wahrsagenden Orakel, Piraten Piraten so richtig geweckt und diese wollen angestiftet von dem Piraten * DIVULGATION : Certains des liens ci-dessus sont des liens d'affiliation, ce qui signifie que, sans frais supplémentaires pour vous, Fandom percevra une commission si vous cliquez et effectuez un achat.Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence Disney Wiki est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Cinéma. Jones agrees but keeps Turner as a "good faith payment". der Gäste durch die ungezügelte Piraten Crew, angeführt vom Piraten Sie ein Piraten Spektakel der ganz besonderen Art mit In terms of physical precision and verbal delivery, it's a master-class in comedy acting. Both were made in London.During the course of the trilogy, Sparrow undergoes physical transformations. zu überstehen und Wettbewerbe zu Gewinnen! ... Fitzwilliam joins Jack's crew in the first book.