A combo of Molotov cocktails and shooting the monster should work well. Forest Child is an achievement in Metro Exodus that can be obtained in The Taiga level. Most of them are hostile towards Artyom, especially the Pirates. This precludes the use of non-lethal knockouts as well, forcing the player to keep their distance. First off, to get the Master of the Forest trophy, you have to battle the bear when you first meet it until you make it run away. There is a molotov on that pile next to where the bear breaks through and one right before entering the grave yard. Forest child Achievement in Metro Exodus: Completed the TAIGA level without attacking anyone or getting noticed - worth 15 Gamerscore Monday, August 24. Children of the Forest (Russian: Дети Леса) are a faction in Metro Exodus. The entire Taiga level can be beaten without ever fighting any of the human enemies, outside of cutscenes.

I just used the molotovs to stun the bear and then continue to shoot it. You want to have at least 3 molotovs and about 15 crossbow bolts by the time you enter that area. So the first actual fight encounter is going to be at the church after you cut the wire to release the ladder, the bear will break through the fence in front of you. Once the bear is basically off the map the achievement will pop.In the TAIGA level, following the natural story path you’ll come up to a church where you must take on The Master of the Forest (The bear) It is worth 15 points and can be received for: Complete the TAIGA level without attacking anyone or getting noticed.
After using three molotovs and about 12 arrows it will finally turn and start to run away. At this stage TAKE YOUR TIME and collect all the arrows and molotov cocktails lying around - there is a bunch of arrows stuck in the wooden crosses close to the entry to the location and there is a molotov right behind the rope that you need to interact with. Similar to the previous two entries, the player assumes the role of Artyom, who flees the Moscow Metro and sets off on a continent-spanning journey with his allies to the far east, on a locomotive called the "Aurora". There also arrows around to help out so grab them if needed. The story takes place over the course of one year, starting with a harsh n… Forest child is an achievement in Metro: Exodus.

The game continues the story from Metro: Last Light's "Redemption" ending. EDIT: The original text contains a few mistakes. To do this you must simply complete the level in full stealth. Stand your ground against the Bear at the first encounter.In the TAIGA level you will eventually come up to a nice church on the hill that was pointed out to you at the very beginning of the mission. Simply put, this achievement requires the player to beat the entire Taiga chapter without attacking or being spotted by anyone, Children of the Forest or bandits alike. I may have misspoke in the video because I am not sure if the first time you get explosive arrows is before or after the fight. Welcome to IGN's Metro Exodus Walkthrough, which will lead you through every step of Metro Exodus from the title screen to the final credits. Please post it in the Destroy the biggest statue in front of the children's camp on the TAIGA level.

Master of the Forest Achievement in Metro Exodus: Made the Bear run away at the first encounter - worth 15 Gamerscore. Do you have a question about this achievement? Metro Exodus is set in the year 2035, one year after the events of Metro: Last Light, on a post-apocalyptic Earth that has been devastated by a nuclear war. Either way you don't need them they aren't required. If you're playing on any difficulty other than Ranger Hardcore and not playing in Iron Mode you can quick save the game via the pause menu, so make sure to utilise this to your advantage and quick save as often as you must, then reload any time you are spotted by an enemy. In this video guide I will show you how to make the bear run away during the first encounter. You will get a crossbow at the beginning of the level but you MUST NOT use it against any human enemies or you will void this achievement. Find guides to this achievement here. Metro Exodus How to Defeat The Bear – Master of the Forest Trophy.