Although it did die during the round, not before laying waste. [SAINT] Whether we like it or not, it was always inevitable that Especially wasn't aware of the upcoming RU BB split. I'm calling 0.9.7-0.9.8, given that the CC's seem to have just got them in their hands for testing. Saw it many times. The Ludendorff could be interesting but seeing how German ships get "special" treatment... probably won't. Rather, they should just nerf the tanking capability as a whole. I feel like the reasons for the renaming was more to do with what the man stood for. A name deserving of what is supposedly the epitome of IJN cruiser design. Maximum AP shell damage - 11600. You need to play a total of 5 battles to post in this section. Und in allen anderen Situationen ist sie schlicht schwach. No interest whatsoever in the German CV line but as always I'm happy for those carrier captains that may enjoy them.

Steel is a possibility, I guess, but we've had so much new steel content recently (Shikishima for 32K, three T10 permacamos at 10K each) that I consider this less likely. I almost sank one last week in Random, so she should be well advanced in testing So yes it had a shelf life They had a good start by dropping it to 25mm armor, but we have to remember it probably won't be fired at much due to range. HE initial velocity - 820 m/s. Now im focused to earn some more Coal as I sit on ~145k to get to 175k for that Legendary Russian Commander Kuznetsov(?) Vor 8 Stunden, Grossadmiral_H_invader sagte: Klar ist sie im Nahkampf extrem stark und vermutlich auch auf Breitseiten stärker, als FDG. ;-)  My money's on coal, since Agir is for FXP and Siegfried fills the research-bureau spot. Well that'll be their damn fault for huddling and waiting to die, won't it? Am holding all my resources for Paolo Emilio, looks like a helluva fun upcoming ship. If Ludendorff's currency and price are confirmed before the end of 0.9.6, this could have a huge effect on whether I get Odin. If she has hydro, I consider her worth looking at as an FXP or coal ship.

This makes no sense, same hull as FdG but with more guns and torps? Firing range - 21.3 km. It's hard to keep track, but here's what's in the pipeline. I must have watched the video several times.

Whether we like it or not, it was always inevitable that

Had the opportunity to... well I would say play, but it was more like get curb stomped.. by a Ludendorff this past weekend. Or maybe it's precisely being renamed because of that, among other reasons.

Is this part of the publicly-announced information on this ship? Renaming it to Pommern would be... quite unfortunate, to say the least. Although not If Ludendorff's currency and price are confirmed before the end of 0.9.6, this could have a huge effect on whether I get Odin.

Now im focused to earn some more Coal as I sit on ~145k to get to 175k for that Legendary Russian Commander Kuznetsov(?) Expect Something like that yes. This makes no sense, same hull as FdG but with more guns and torps? I almost sank one last week in Random, so she should be well advanced in testing Ludendorff Tier IX German Battleship (Datamined) Posted on May 9, 2020 by WoWs Gamer Blog World of Warships, strategy, tips, latest news, ship … Imagine a Clan Battle season where the CAs stay in groups of 2 or 3 while a Slava in the back picks them off one by one. Well he maybe isn't the most accurate TX but he can deal some damage for sure. I consider the FDR a likely coal ship for the same reasons. Slava if you continue op most likely it will be a research-bureau ship since it is for the most experienced players it will be blocked for the masses discarded for steel and coal remember that steel recently added a new battleship x ;-)  If this turns out to be just uptiered Tirpitz than I doubt im gonna buy her. None of the H class designs proposals ever had this design. So excited, can't wait! This means IMO that it should get a really [edited] torpedo belt too so that it can't tank well. That way it would be closer to Kurfurst but with less accuracy.