Click "Register" to continue. This actually means, linking your guest account with Google, Facebook, Apple ID or some other available option.

Read more: Why and How to upgrade a Guest Account? How to change your country or flag; How to change your email; How to find your Miniclip Unique ID; How to Logout How do you create a new account on

New create an account in miniclip.

Click on the game to read further instructions.We update the information frequently, so even if some account linking or change solution is now available now, please do check again in the future!


Instruction: 1.

If you already have a Minecraft account … i even made a yome.

You can see for creating new account below video or above paragraph.

How do I create a new 8 Ball Pool account? To avoid this happening we always suggest you to upgrade the account.

For more information please visit our 3. Each of our game has different ways and solutions for upgrading. Mostly user search this keywords for (how to make a new 8 ball pool account on Facebook)or(how to make a miniclip account on 8 ball pool) so the answer of these keywords is below. We're currently changing the way login types work and interact with your game account.Once you create a new account you will be able to select the login type or provider you want to associate:After creating your account, you will, at any time, be able to link your account to another provider (Facebook, Google) just by accessing the Settings menu in your game.When moving a provider from one Pool account (account 1) to another (account 2), players may only move To simply logout from all of your previously linked providers (in that specific game profile), please use the "Logout" button available in your Settings. but it still does not work.

How To Sign Up For A Free Miniclip Account? *NEW* Connecting multiple login types to your game account ; Account creation changes - Miniclip account creation no longer possible (8 Ball Pool) Account reset no longer possible; Availability of 8 Ball Pool Multiplayer Mobile in Different App Stores Click "Register" to continue. Open the game using your first login type. Wiki User. Due to changes in the account management process, it is no longer possible to create an account using the Miniclip ID option. For more information please visit our Any specific provider may only be moved from one Pool account to another Click on the green "Create account". 3. New Policy - NO CHANGES with the accounts (unlinks, email change, lost account recovery) by the team; Can I send my Friends messages? However, you can always create a new game account using Google Play (only for Android devices) or Facebook. Switch between devices, and pick up wherever you left off. Signing up online is simple and easy. or Asad7234!2!