For this purpose you could nominate a Euro, Sterling or US Dollar bank account and apply, to the extent required, a matching currency election.Instead of receiving dividend payments by Direct Payment, you may wish to build up your shareholding in RDS by using your cash dividends to purchase further RDS shares. Skip to main content Skip to footer content. The company has arranged for a choice of dealing services to be offered to shareholders wishing to buy or sell Royal Dutch Shell A or B shares held in certificated form or to participants in the Royal Dutch Shell Nominee Service. A resource for Royal Dutch Shell plc retail shareholders, including information on shares, capital gains tax, the Annual General Meeting, information on how to manage your shares and signposts to dividends and (historical) share prices.Information about managing your Royal Dutch Shell plc shares including share registration and shareholder forms.Ticker and ISIN codes, the difference between A and B shares, information about our ADS facility, frequently asked questions and historical listing archive.Historic information for the purposes of UK capital gains tax related to Royal Dutch Shell plc, BG Group plc, Royal Dutch Petroleum Company (N.V. Koninklijke Nederlandsche Petroleum Maatschappij) and “Shell” Transport and Trading Company plc.Information about the Royal Dutch Shell plc Annual General Meeting.Dividend announcements, share buybacks, the interim dividend timetable, dividend calculators and dividend policies.Share price information and charts, calculators and historical share prices.On this page quarterly and full year results announcements, annual reports and publications, the Investors' Handbook (FAOI) and SEC filings.Investor highlights taken from the 2019 Annual Report and Accounts and the 2019 Investors’ Handbook.Information about our environmental and social performance and corporate governance practices. Visit for a DRIP application form. A printed copy of our 2019 Annual Report can be ordered free of charge.Keep up to date with developments at Shell via email alerts, Twitter or other social media.New Energies: building a lower-carbon power businessMore and cleaner energy solutions for your businessOur home energy offer for households in Great BritainFlightpath: Navigating the pathway to sustainable aviationShell Ariba Procurement: Transforming Shell’s supply chainsShell’s ambition to be a net-zero emissions energy businessNew Energies: building a lower-carbon power businessView New Energies: building a lower-carbon power businessNew Energies: building a lower-carbon power businessView New Energies: building a lower-carbon power businessRegistration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH)7 tips to prepare Students & Graduates for an online video Interview If you choose ‘post’ as your preference, you will be sent paper documents as usual.Royal Dutch Shell plc (RDS) is simplifying the way dividends and other distributions are paid, by only making payments directly into a nominated bank account.This is known as Direct Payment. Terms and conditions apply.In order to arrange any of the above please contact Equiniti on 0800 169 1679 (If you provide a GBP bank account bank account before February 14, 2020, you will receive the dividend in March 2020 into your bank account.In order to nominate your bank account and make a matching currency election please contact Equiniti on 0800 169 1679 (The first dividend payment using your new details will be in June 2020, unless you provide GBP bank account details, which can be used from March 2020.Furthermore, one in five RDS shareholders failed to cash their cheques before they expire, often incurring reissue fees as a result.If you do not provide this information, you will still receive an annual dividend statement; however, you will not receive the money until your bank details are received, after which payment will be credited to your account as soon as possible. You can manage your holding online by registering free of charge for a Shareview Portfolio via Below you can download a copy of the Terms and Conditions for the Royal Dutch Shell Nominee Service.The company has arranged for a choice of dealing services to be offered to shareholders wishing to buy or sell Royal Dutch Shell A or B shares held in certificated form or to participants in the Royal Dutch Shell Nominee Service.All dealing services are subject to their own specific terms and conditions of use, and are available on request from the service provider. ProSearch and Equiniti Limited are both part of the Equiniti Group of companies. This may avoid or reduce charges of your bank. Bushnell RCBS Weaver Primos Butler Creek Champion Hoppe's Free Shipping On All Orders Over $25 0. Shop Our Brands. Royal Dutch Shell current major shareholder is Nederlands Centraal Instituut Voor Giraal Effectenverkeer BV. Furthermore, Shell will introduce the option to receive Shell’s dividends in US dollar in addition to the existing ability to receive your dividend in Sterling or EuroFrom April 2020 RDS can pay your dividend in Euro, Sterling or US Dollar via Direct Payment into your bank account. Thereafter you will receive an annual statement showing the number of shares held on your behalf by Equiniti Financial Services Limited. If you are unsure about what action to take, if any, you should contact an authorised financial advisor.The Shareview service from our registrar, Equiniti, gives you more control of your shares and other investments.It’s easy to sign up for Shareview – you just need the ‘shareholder reference’ printed on your proxy form or dividend stationery, and knowledge of your registered address – the service is FREE, there is no charge to register.When you register with the site, you can confirm your preferred format (post or e-mail) for shareholder communications. Equiniti’s International Payment Service (IPS) is a way to do this. We carry Shell Holders and more for all of your hunting and shooting needs. Equiniti’s Dividend Reinvestment Plan (‘DRIP’) is a way to do this. This could be following the Combination of Royal Dutch Shell plc and BG Group plc in February 2016, or merely dividend payments that remain unclaimedThere are a number of reasons why we may not be able to contact shareholders direct, which can include:We have worked with ProSearch in this capacity since 2009. In another words, a stakeholder is an individual or group that can affect or be affected by business decisions or undertaking. Marina Kolesnikova. However, shareholders who feel they may have all the necessary documentation can approach our Registrar, Equiniti directly themselves.