As they walk, Finn asks Clarke why the Grounders did not attack Jasper until after they crossed the river. De mysterieuze mensen die Bellamy hebben ontvoerd, blijken deze manier van reizen veelvuldig te gebruiken. Check out some of the IMDb editors' favorites movies and shows to round out your Watchlist.Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends.

As Diyoza wonders how, Clarke, Hope suddenly arrives, causing everyone to turn their guns on her before Diyoza reassures them that Hope is not one of the Disciples.

Monty tells her that they also need him to search because no one else has volunteered. Hope instantly recognizes Clarke, Raven and Miller from her mother's descriptions of them and Diyoza explains that Hope is her daughter and that Clarke's group discovers a tied-up and beaten Levitt who admits that he broke after Echo killed two people in front of him.

Pilot 41m. Na een mislukte poging dit te verhinderen, steekt Clarke Finn uiteindelijk zelf dood om hem een marteldood te besparen. During the hydrazine delivery mission, Clarke and Bellamy discuss his relationship with Octavia. Bellamy approaches her, taking the spike that had been in the Grounder's hand and tells her, "who we are and who we need to be to survive are very different things," and that it is hard being in charge.

Het komt tot een bloedige confrontatie vlak voor de vallei.

Whether it is allowing Madi to go to school, using the phrase "chill out" or calling Murphy "John," it is clear that Josephine did not have enough information to go on to be convincing.Clarke spends the majority of the time pretending to be Josephine while struggling to deal with her mother being replaced by Simone Prime. Sanctum may appear peaceful, but look beneath the surface, and it is much more diabolical than anyone would know. They return to Arkadia and Clarke starts working on her list of 100 designated survivors.

Clarke is brought before Russell and succeeds in tricking him into believing that she is Josephine, claiming that she has no Mind Drive as she hung on through the neural mesh and killed Clarke in the Mindspace. Clarke is able to stop Finn from seizing and quickly realizes that the blade Finn was stabbed with had been poisoned. She says goodbye to Madi and assures her that they will meet again. "Adjustment Protocol" also includes Abby's death and replacement of Simone Prime.After getting caught by Bellamy during "The Gospel of Josephine," Josephine takes matters into her own hands by having Murphy teach her how to be Clarke Griffin.

's terrible actions, Clarke still believed her warning which motivated Clarke's actions during After the 6 year gap Clarke shows a strong maternal bond to Madi treating her like family. She finds Outside of the med bay, Bellamy finds Thelonious Jaha getting into a vehicle and tells him to get out.

His is holding a knife, trying to work up the courage to mercy-kill Later that night, they return to camp with Atom's body. However, she has been shown to make impulsive decisions. As Raven stops, knowing that something is down there, a spider-like creature attacks, chewing at Raven's helmet.

They go down the stairs and after sifting through some cobwebs, they find skeletons. They all begin cheering and Clarke is up next.

Clarke en Octavia blijven alleen achter terwijl intussen ook meerdere mensen van de Ark, onder wie de moeder van Clarke, gevangen zijn genomen. Kane kan echter niet leven met het idee dat het leven van een onschuldige man is genomen om dat van hem te redden en pleegt zelfmoord door zichzelf via een luchtsluis van Eligius IV in de ruimte te schieten. Hope, Echo en Gabriel besluiten daarop de Anomaly in te gaan, op zoek naar hem en Octavia.

), an elite group of profilers who analyze the nation's most dangerous serial killers and individual heinous crimes in an effort to anticipate their next moves before they strike again. He asks how she will inform her people, but she claims that she'll figure it out. Clarke then finds Wells digging Atom's grave and asks him if it was Clarke pleads with Bellamy to stop the Delinquents from lynching MurphyBellamy, Clarke, and Finn then take Charlotte inside a tent to protect her from the angry Delinquents.

She starts to cry and then Bellamy walks up to her. Clarke tells them to run. Raven blames Finn for not telling her about it. Ordering the others to have their weapons ready as they don't know what's waiting for them on the other side, Clarke leads her friends through the Anomaly. Octavia is er dan ook niet blij mee dat de Eligius Corporation de macht over wil nemen en weigert zichzelf over te geven. They ask the Grounder to tell them which one has the antidote but he refuses to speak. Wells questions how two people are going to carry enough food for 100 people. However, this plan requires Clarke to pose as Josephine in order to be able to take the radiation shield down. In 2156, Clarke has shoulder length blonde hair with streaks of red. Abigail wants to run tests on her and Jackson asks what she did. Het derde seizoen begint drie maanden later. Abby then decides to head back to the drop ship to save Lincoln while Clarke goes to talk to the Commander. Use the HTML below. It also gives more understanding of how Josephine can give up control of their shared body to Clarke. Deze mensen, die ze Naarmate de aanval van de Grounders dichterbij komt, breekt er opnieuw een tweestrijd uit in het kamp.

Meanwhile, Bellamy handles the outcome of the red sun toxin causing the people of Sanctum to attack themselves and each other. He asks her to forgive him and Clarke asks him not to leave.

He settles in Los Angeles - the City of Angels. Vlak voordat A.L.I.E.