Free encyclopedia written in 300 languages by volunteers around the world.The world's largest free-to-use library of illustrations, photos, drawings, videos and music.Recently, the Wikimedia Foundation began a fundraising campaign on Wikipedia in India, inviting anyone who relies on Wikipedia to support its future. Except where otherwise noted, the content of this site is licensed under a ИС-7 (Объект 260), Objekt 260) bol prototyp sovietskeho ťažkého tanku, ktorý nadväzoval na rad IS, hlavne na typ IS-3.. Vývoj stroja prebiehal v Závode č. Get in touch with our team.The Wikimedia Foundation, Inc is a nonprofit charitable organization dedicated to encouraging the growth, development and distribution of free, multilingual content, and to providing the full content of these wiki-based projects to the public free of charge. The Wikimedia Foundation, Inc is a nonprofit charitable organization dedicated to encouraging the growth, development and distribution of free, multilingual content, and to providing the full content of these wiki-based projects to the public free of charge. See also: Category:Human penis (medical) Hirsuties papillaris penis. "nos szczupaka", zbudowany z trzech płyt stalowych o grubości 150 mm, taki kształt miał ułatwić Uzbrojenie artyleryjskie czołgu mieściło się w odlewanej wieży, której grubość z przodu wynosiła 250 mm, również jej półsferyczny kształt miał służyć rykoszetowaniu pocisków uderzających w wieżę. Play the definitive zombie survival sandbox RPG that came first. Legacy gift. is a global movement whose mission is to bring free educational content to the world.

Through various projects, chapters, and the support structure of the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation, Wikimedia strives to bring about a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge.. Der IS-7 (von Iossif Stalin; deutsch Josef Stalin oder Objekt 260 ) war ein schwerer sowjetischer Panzer der IS-Serie, der kurz nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg als Nachfolger des IS-3 konzipiert wurde. Обозрение отечественной бронетанковой техники (1905–1995 гг. Po zakończeniu II wojny światowej na uzbrojeniu specjalnych jednostek pancernych Kadłub czołgu wykonany był z płyt walcowanych łączonych spawami, przód pojazdu był specjalnie ukształtowany w tzw. One way to support the future of free knowledge is through a legacy gift. Our volunteers build tools, share photos, write articles, and are working to connect all the knowledge that exists. Der IS-7 ist der schwerste jemals in der Sowjetunion gebaute Panzer. Valmistati katsepartii tanke, mille täpne arv ei ole teada. We wanted to address some of the….The Wikimedia Foundation is extremely concerned about the national security law recently passed in China and implemented in Hong Kong that prohibits a broad range of speech and grants wide-ranging surveillance powers to authorities. With nearly 10 million copies sold, 7 Days to Die has defined the survival genre, with unrivaled crafting and world-building content.

We welcome anyone who shares our vision to join us in collecting and sharing knowledge that fully represents human diversity.We do not sell your email address or any of your personal information to third parties. Protect and sustain Wikipedia See Wikipedia article w:Erotic art in Pompeii; Penis Candle. Kirova v Leningrade roku 1946 pod vedením konštruktéra N. F. Šašmurina.Prvý prototyp vyrobili v roku 1947.Predstavoval pokračovanie vývoja tanku IS-3 s radom modifikácii. Die ersten beiden Prototypen wurden am 8. und 25. The Official 7 Days to Die guide written and maintained by players just like you!.