Some retailer or other will accidentally list it, or Nintendo will make an oblique Metroid reference, or someone whose uncle totally works at Nintendo, you guys, will claim that it’ll be up for pre-order any day now.The only trouble is, every rumor, no matter how reliable it sounded, has proven to be pure bunkum. Our favorite space warrior's titles have had their share of ups and downs, but since Retro Studios is once more at the helm, it's likely the fourth title will be something spectacular to look forward to.It's probably a long way out before Metroid Prime 4 gets released, but here are all of the rumors and facts that we know about this game so far.Metroid Prime 4 was first announced at E3 2017, but two years later in early 2019, Nintendo's senior managing executive officer, Shinya Takahashi explained in a development update that "the current development progress has not reached the standards we seek in a sequel to the Metroid Prime series." New York, "This means that Metroid Prime 4 will likely be accessible for a wide variety of gamers — at least, to the same extent that the first three games were.It’s also worth at least mentioning the Metroid Prime Trilogy Switch remaster here, since it’s been a subject of fevered anticipation for at least as long as the Switch has been around. While the delay definitely sucks, I personally would rather wait for a quality version of the game than get access to a mediocre one sooner.On August 14, 2020 Retro Studios tweeted that they are looking for a Lead Producer to join the Metroid Prime 4 team.We are looking for a to join us on our journey to develop Metroid Prime 4! A huge galaxy to explore. Metroid kombiniert das Genre des Action-Adventures mit Shooterelementen in einem befremdlich wirkenden Science-Fiction-Szenario.

Gut möglich, dass wir gerade auf letzteres wegen des Entwicklungs-Resets auch noch eine ganze Weile warten müssen. Hopefully, fans will be able to dive into a brand-new Samus Aran adventure soon. With many students having to learn virtually, the shortage could have a major impact across the United States.Super Smash Bros. Takahashi went on to say that "Nintendo always strives for the highest quality in our … On the other hand, simply stating that the game exists, and that it’s in development for the Nintendo Switch, should still be accurate.It’s difficult to say anything concrete about Metroid Prime 4’s gameplay, since we don’t have any screenshots or footage to work from. Ultimate on your Nintendo Switch.Sign up now to get the latest news, deals & more from iMore!I would like to receive news and offers from other Future brands.No spam, we promise. (The first-person perspective is a hallmark of the Metroid Prime subseries; if Retro wanted to make a side-scroller, then it wouldn’t include “Prime” in the title.) We do actually have a short teaser trailer for Metroid Prime 4, although it’s basically just the “Metroid Prime 4” logo materializing out of space. Sowohl der Release einer möglichen Switch-Umsetzung der Trilogie als auch das Erscheinungsdatum von Metroid Prime 4 stehen noch nicht fest. But you’ll have to temper those expectations, as Metroid Prime 4’s long development cycle is partially due to a significant retooling. auf der E3 2017 angekündigt und erscheint exklusiv für Nintendo Switch Ganz verwunderlich war dies nicht, denn durch den Neustart der Entwicklung dürfte das Erscheinungsdatum um einige Zeit nach hinten verschoben sein. Cookies optimieren die Bereitstellung unserer Dienste. Abholen im Store Metroid Prime 4 Switch by Nintendo. Der tschechische Anbieter SuperGamer könnte nun nämlich das Release-Datum von Metroid Prime 4 vor der offiziellen Ankündigung geleakt haben.