On the westside of the camp there is a house on a hill. This chapter in our guide to Metro Exodus focuses on Artyom's visit in the Pioneers' village - the main hero tries to find Alyosha's tracks.Head towards the X marked on the map. Walk forward towards the hollowed out tree then go left into the police station. One of the Metro Exodus’ new additions to the franchise is the backpack.

The people that tied him up are good aren't they? This guide will show you The Taiga collectibles locations in Metro Exodus. Use the rope to slide down. Here’s how to use your backpack in Metro Exodus.

I have read that before you pick up another weapon you need to strip the one your using or some attachments will be gone. Along the way you will see a gazebo.

The Taiga Collectible List. The Forest child achievement in Metro Exodus worth 60 points Complete the TAIGA level without attacking anyone or getting noticed.

Return to the road and head to the across it to reach a cave in the cliff face. This mobile workbench may not let you do anything you want, but it can help modify your weapons and craft essential items you need to survive. Approach the hut and go inside to find the Lost Diary on a crate. Next Taiga Stealing a boat and the Admiral Prev Taiga Pioneers' village. In the large bandit camp look for the only building on the ground level.

This chapter in our guide to Metro Exodus focuses on Artyom's visit to the bandits' camp. Head towards the X marked on the map.

Next Taiga Bandits' camp and cemetery Prev Taiga First contact with the locals.

In the shack is the Dusty Notebook.After you are captured and the bear appears, take control of Artyom and go towards the quest marker. Head to the cave and then go through it.You are not permitted to copy any image, text or info from this page.This site is not associated with and/or endorsed by the Deep Silver / Koch Media or 4A Games.

Thank goodness it's there.

Metro Exodus Taiga Level Aloysha/Save Bandit (minor spoilers) Help. I'm fairly certain you can find another one in the camps in Taiga. However, these hostiles are equipped only with crossbows which means that the fights will be easier for you. Walk along the riverbed until you see an opening in the rockwall to your right. I still never got the 8 shot cylinder back. Inside the bookshelf is the first postcard.Go past the statue and the school until you reach the bridge with the pirates on it. spoiler. This chapter in our guide to Metro Exodus focuses on Artyom's visit in the Pioneers' village - the main hero tries to find Alyosha's tracks. Artyom is captured - he survives miraculously. This level has a number of collectibles for us to find. Metro Exodus Taiga. This map above shows you the locations of each one. The level differentiates itself from The Volga and The Caspian as being a far more linear level, with stealth and survival taking priority over exploration. The inventory system in Metro Exodus is a bit wonky, requiring multiple buttons for certain actions. The level differentiates itself from The Volga and The Caspian as being a far more linear level, with stealth and survival taking priority over exploration. Metro Exodus: Die Taiga – Begib dich zum Damm Metro-Exodus-Komplettlösung: Wie ihr nach dem Unfall die Armbrust findet und zum Damm gelangt. On the side of a bookshelf is the Postcard.Make your way through the cave until your reach another bandit camp (there is an excavator in the center). Go into this house to find the Unfinished Letter on the table.